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"It amazes me to see how love triumphs over that." "Love triumphs over everything!" "The young think so," he muttered. "Love has no age, no limit, and no death." With that glow in her pale face, her breast heaving, her eyes so large and dark and soft, she looked like Venus come to life!

But the two sets of rival extremists had their will at last, and in seven short years deepened and embittered the contention to the degree that disunion and war seemed, certainly proved, the only way out of it. The extravagance of the debates of those years amazes the modern reader.

But it amazes me that he can be content to go back to Birmingham and his brass bedsteads. Sheer lack of energy, I suppose. He'll grow dreadfully fat, I fear, and by when he becomes really a rich man it's awful to think of." Eve asked many questions about Narramore; his image gave mirthful occupation to her fancy.

Yet it amazes me to remember that during a considerable portion of our senior year no less a man than Woolsey gave instruction in history by hearing men recite the words of a text-book; and that text-book the Rev. John Lord's little, popular treatise on the ``Modern History of Europe! Far better was Woolsey's instruction in Guizot. That was stimulating.

Knowing as this may sound, I have not yet set foot in the streets, and am deplorably ignorant. I must wait till I am less of the country cousin and have brought my dress and deportment into keeping with the society I am about to enter, the whirl of which amazes me even here, where only distant murmurs reach my ear.

The idea was exaggerated, the hope vain. Was vain? Ah, it has been more than realised, as you shall hear; realised in a way that amazes me the more, the more I think upon it. Realised as yours shall be, some day, through me! Realised! Great Heavens! It is a miracle! Our district schoolhouse was a shadeless, unpainted box.

"My sister Patty was married when she was sixteen, and Submit when she was seventeen. The oldest girls went off in a hurry, so the others had to fill their places. Well it just amazes me reading about this bonnet. And whatever I'll do with mine except to give it away, I don't know. I did think once of having it dyed.

These able men found their plans thwarted by the indifference of the public, and often by open hostility. "The telephone is little better than a toy," said the Saturday Review; "it amazes ignorant people for a moment, but it is inferior to the well-established system of air-tubes." "What will become of the privacy of life?" asked another London editor.

The falls, which chanced to be indeed no falls, but shower-swollen into rapids, are one of the most wonderful presentations of Nature's masonry that I have ever seen. It is not the water, but the rock, that amazes.

Jacqueline's conduct amazes me; it looks like ingratitude." "Oh! she is a hard-hearted little thing! I always thought so!" said Madame de Villegry, carelessly. Here the rising of the curtain stopped short these discussions, which displayed so much good-nature and perspicacity.