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Is it true, as Master Alwyn affirms, that thou hast stolen away and seducted this venerable sage and his daughter, a maid I deemed worthy of a post in my own household?" "Daughter and lady," said the friar, sullenly, "this ill faytor, I have reason to know, has been practising spells for Lord Warwick and the enemy.

'A bore, observed he ungratefully, ''tis as dull as ditchwater. But, in truth, though the Canon's family, when in residence, were intimate with the ducal family, Alwyn Egremont had never been at the castle since the days of his earliest youth, and he was not quite prepared to owe his toleration there to his wife's charms, or the Canoness's patronage of her.

"But in the court dances, Master Alwyn; for most of the hours in which my lady duchess needs me not are spent here. Oh, my father hopes great things! and now at last fame dawns upon him."

Alwyn so interpreted the look, and replied, as if she had spoken: "Because he must know how poor and tame is that feeble fantasy which alone can come from a soul worn bare with pleasure, to that which I feel and now own for thee, the love of youth, born of the heart's first vigour; because he ought to fear that that love should prevail with thee; because that love ought to prevail.

She reached the back landing just in time to see Colonel Cresswell's head rising up the front staircase. With a quick bound she almost fell into the first room at the top of the stairs. Bles Alwyn had hurried through his dinner duties and hastened to the Oaks. The questions, the doubts, the uncertainty within him were clamoring for utterance. How much had Mrs. Cresswell ever known of Zora?

"Now, my dear sir," interrupted Heliobas in a tone of good-natured remonstrance, "do not if you have any respect for science at all do not, I beg of you, talk to me of the 'physical workings' of a DEAD BRAIN?" "A dead brain!" echoed Alwyn. "What do you mean?" "What I say," returned Heliobas, composedly.

'Trust Alwyn for that, Mrs. Houghton muttered. 'Well, all's well that ends well, and I hope he feels due gratitude to me for doing him a good turn against his will.

"A long time ago!" returned Alwyn with a slight, serious smile "I assure you it is by no means original!" Villiers gave him a quick, surprised glance. "No? Well, it seems to me singularly original!" he said.. "In fact, one of your critics says you are TOO original! Mind you, Alwyn, that is a very serious fault in this imitative age!" Alwyn laughed a little. His thoughts were very busy.

Ursula let that cook do what she pleased without remonstrance. Even Alwyn did not afford as much satisfaction as usual, for the boy was in high spirits and wanted to blow a little trumpet, which was more than his father could stand. He was very good when this was silenced, but he then began to rush round the room daring his sister to catch the wild colt as he went by.

"Well," he said, holding her hand, "I suppose you have come to congratulate me on my new daughter. I tell Alwyn he is a lucky dog. A sweet girl and three thousand a year. Not that either he or I care about the money, there will be plenty for Alwyn, plenty. I was telling them both last night," he went on, "that there must be no delay and nonsense.