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Wait just a minute." And soon Bles was shaking Senator Smith's hand. "Well, Mr. Alwyn," said the Senator heartily, "you delivered the goods." "Thank you, sir. I tried to." Senator Smith thoughtfully looked him over and drew out the letters. "Your friends, Mr. Alwyn," he said, adjusting his glasses, "have a rather high opinion of you. Here now is Stillings, who helped on the campaign.

Gaythorne might be trying at times, Greta only smiled and said, "That was very likely, only Alwyn managed him so beautifully, and she hoped in time to do the same. I know that he dislikes visitors," she went on, "but, as you and Dr. Luttrell are exceptions, I do not so much mind, and I shall be quite happy with Alwyn."

She has such a beautiful white throat the pearls hardly showed against it Mr. Gaythorne came in to dinner and sat beside her, but he was very tired and left us directly after, and we all went up to Greta's morning-room and sat round the fire talking, just we four. It was so nice and cosy." "I suppose Mr. Gaythorne was told the grand news?" "Oh dear, yes. He and Alwyn were so keen about it.

What a still place the "Hermitage" was, thought Alwyn, as soon as Elzear's retreating steps had died away into silence. There was not a sound to be heard anywhere, ... not even the faint rustle of leaves stirred by the wind.

He had with difficulty been consoled for Sambo being left behind, and now turned over everything with considerable clatter in search of him. Alas! Sambo could nowhere be found in the room, and Alwyn dashed off to inquire of all the household after him.

'I thought Alwyn was making too much noise with his soldiers. 'I beg your pardon, said Nuttie, 'perhaps I should have spoken sooner, but indeed he must not be worried and disturbed, she added, somewhat fiercely. 'Don't be afraid, my dear, said her aunt. 'Mr. Bulfinch knows that your father is in no condition to have such matters brought before him.

Reading it, Alwyn was astonished to find that nearly all the ethical propositions offered for the world's consideration to-day by the most learned and cultured minds, had been already advanced and thoroughly discussed by this same Algazzali. One passage in particular arrested his attention as being singularly applicable to his own immediate condition, . . it ran as follows,

"I thought he would have struck me," she said to her confidante, the middle-aged housemaid, "or that he would have had a fit; I should have one myself if I ever tried it on again; but I never will, Rebecca, I will take my oath of that." "Master has an awful temper when he is drove wrong," returned Rebecca, primly; "I don't wonder at Mr. Alwyn myself.

And suddenly, as the chime ceased, there was heard, from the eminence hard by, a shriek of agony, a female shriek, drowned by the roar of a bombard in the field below. On pressed the Yorkists through the pass forced by Alwyn.

One amazed glance, and then with an ejaculation of wonder, recognition, and delight, Alwyn sprang forward and grasped his extended hand. "HELIOBAS!" he exclaimed. "Is it possible YOU are in London! YOU, of all men in the world!" "Even so!" replied Heliobas gayly "And why not? Am I incongruous, and out of keeping with the march of modern civilization?"