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Grady meanwhile, with a pair of ample varnished boots, had disappeared into his master's room. Blanche had hardly the leisure to remark how big the boots were, and how unlike Mr. Strong's. "The women's come," said Grady, helping his master to the boots. "Did you ask 'em if they would take a glass of any thing?" asked Altamont.

What great man has not been called upon to face evil fortune? From Clavering no supplies were to be had for some time, the five-and-twenty pounds or the "pony," which the exemplary Baronet had received from Mr. Altamont, had fled out of Clavering's keeping as swiftly as many previous ponies.

Up beyond Camp Altamont lay a number of small islands and beyond these the river began to bend and twist in numerous eccentric curves; the woods that bordered it grew denser, the banks swampy. Signs of human occupation disappeared; there were no more camps; no more cottages.

Altamont, puffing at his cigar. "Why does she leave me without pocket-money then? Damme, I must have money," cried out the baronet. "Oh, Am , Oh, Altamont, I'm the most miserable beggar alive." "You'd like a chap to lend you a twenty-pound-note, wouldn't you now?" the other asked. "If you would, I'd be grateful to you forever forever, my dearest friend," cried Clavering. "How much would you give?

A short time after the piece of good fortune which befell Colonel Altamont at Epsom, that gentleman put into execution his projected foreign tour, and the chronicler of the polite world who goes down to London Bridge for the purpose of taking leave of the people of fashion who quit this country, announced that among the company on board the Soho to Antwerp last Saturday, were "Sir Robert, Lady, and the Misses Hodge; Mr.

We crossed the river, and found ourselves on the road to Altamont, Winchester, and other towns. Marched six miles, and, at 9 o'clock, halted for the night. It being late, and over a mile to where we could obtain water, and as all were tired and sleepy, we went to bed supperless our beds being mother earth. Started early in the morning for Altamont, without breakfast.

"It makes you say queer things," said the captain, looking Altamont hard in the face. "Remember what you said last night at Clavering's table." "Say? What did I say?" asked the other hastily. "Did I split any thing? Dammy, Strong, did I split any thing?" "Ask me no questions, and I will tell you no lies," the chevalier replied on his part. Strong thought of the words Mr.

His pale face expressed extreme anger and irritation. "So, sir," he said, addressing Altamont, "you've been at your old tricks." "Which of 'um?" asked Altamont, with a sneer. "You have been at the Rouge et Noir: you were there last night," cried the baronet. "How do you know were you there?" the other said.

One thing, however, was quite evident: that from the direction we were taking, we would soon be among the Cumberland mountains; and it further looked as if we were heading towards Chattanooga. We soon found ourselves on a road over which we had marched nearly a year previous, and which leads from McMinnville to Altamont.

In fact, if the truth must be told, Mr. Altamont, having remained at the buffet almost all night, and employed himself very actively whilst there, had considerably flushed his brain by drinking, and he was still going on drinking, when Mr. Strong and Miss Amory entered the room.