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"Your father was saying something to me about it," said the mate guardedly. "Did he tell the cook and the cabin boy too?" inquired Miss Alsen, flushing somewhat. "What did he tell you?" "Told me about a man named Towson," said the mate, becoming intent on the sails, "and another fellow." "I took a little notice of HIM just to spoil the other," said the girl, "not that I cared for him.

It was said, and soon confirmed, that at the Conference of London, Denmark had been offered North Slesvig. Most unfortunately, Denmark refused the offer. On June 26th, the war broke out again; two days later Alsen was lost. When the young men were called up to the officers' board for conscription, "being too slight of build," I was deferred till next year.

The Conference in London separated at the end of June without coming to any conclusion; it had, however, enabled Bismarck formally to dissociate himself from the former Treaty of London, and henceforward he had a free hand in his dealings with Denmark. Another brilliant feat of arms, the transference of the Prussian troops across the sea to the island of Alsen, completed the war.

Juni 1864 heldenmüthig gefallenen zum ehrenden Gedächtniss. 'To the honoured memory of those who died heroically at the invasion and storming of Alsen. I knew the German passion for commemoration; I had seen similar memorials on Alsatian battlefields, and several on the Dybbol only that afternoon; but there was something in the scene, the hour, and the circumstances, which made this one seem singularly touching.

Iron weddings are, we believe, the fifteenth anniversary. With silver, golden, and diamond weddings we are tolerably familiar, but, so far as we know, a crown-diamond wedding such as was celebrated a short time ago at Maebuell, in the island of Alsen, is a ceremony altogether without precedent in matrimonial annals.

"You see what you get for behaving badly," said Miss Alsen judicially. "It's worth it," said the mate, brightening. "I'm afraid it'll blister," said she. She crossed over to him, and putting her head on one side, eyed the traces wisely. "Three marks," she said. "I only had one," suggested the mate. "One what?" enquired Hetty. "Those," said the mate.

'You mean it's all very jolly about here? Of course I meant that. Before we went below we both looked for a moment at the little grey memorial; its slender fretted arch outlined in tender lights and darks above the hollow on the Alsen shore. The night was that of 27th September, the third I had spent on the Dulcibella. 6 Schlei Fiord

Opposite us on the Alsen shore there showed, clean-cut against the sky, the spire of a little monument rising from a leafy hollow. 'I wonder what that is, I said. It was scarcely a minute's row in the dinghy, and when the anchor was down we sculled over to it. A bank of loam led to gorse and bramble.

"Calm and peaceful up here, isn't it?" said he, after waiting some time for her to speak. "Stars are very bright to-night." "Don't talk to me," said Miss Alsen snappishly. "Why doesn't this nasty little ship keep still? I believe it's you making her jump about like this." "Me?" said the mate in amazement. "Yes, with that wheel." "I can assure you " began the mate.

"'Tisn't discipline," said the mate very firmly; "it wouldn't do at all. He's before the mast." "Oh, I see," remarked Miss Alsen, smiling scornfully. "I only mean pretend, of course," said the mate, colouring. "Just to oblige you." "Of course," said the girl calmly. "Well, how are we to be in love?" The mate flushed darkly.