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"Here then is the program, Dicky dear. To-morrow I seek the seclusion of the convent at Park Square isn't seclusion good? To-night letters go out to all my friends, warning them of my utter loneliness, and dread of impending abduction.

"Do you realize," she broke out one evening over the fire, "that this is simply abduction?" "Not at all," Bill answered promptly. "Abduction means to take away surreptitiously by force, to carry away wrongfully and by violence any human being, to kidnap. Now, you can't by any stretch of the imagination accuse me of force, violence, or kidnaping not by a long shot.

He told me the story of two of his best actions this year, a judicial separation my uncle is very strong in judicial separations and the abduction of a minor. At first I looked out for personal allusions.

"Ah! yes; I know, my lord, and I expected nothing less from your partiality; so that if it were only the abduction in itself, Mordioux! that would be nothing; but there are " "What?" "The circumstances of that abduction." "What circumstances?" "Oh! you know very well what I mean, my lord." "No, curse me if I do." "There is in truth, it is difficult to speak it." "There is?"

There's not one reason in the world why we can't have something concrete. The professor is right. I am with him. He's the only professor in all the ages." Well, it turned out as it did. It was a terrible blow to us all. Most of the world took it as a great murder or an equally great case of abduction. There were but few, even in the university, who embraced the side of the doctor.

Rashleigh's story at the dinner-party, the other day that incredible tale of his abduction and the mysterious marriage of the two masks?" "I recollect yes." "He spoke of the bride, you remember described her as small and slender, with a profusion of fair, curling hair." "Yes yes yes!" "Guy," fixing her powerful black eyes on his face, "do you need to be told who that masked bride was?"

But although the abduction of the new Helen by her own Menelaus was not the cause of the impending, Iliad, there is no doubt whatever that the incident had much to do with the crisis, was the turning point in a great tragedy, and that but for the vehement passion of the King for this youthful princess events might have developed themselves on a far different scale from that which they were destined to assume.

Five minutes after Mike's departure, Corporal Grimsby entered, announced the abduction of Fanny Aubrey from the house of her friends, on the preceding night, and boldly accused Tickels of having been the cause of that outrage. The details of this interview are related in the sixth chapter of this narrative; it is consequently unnecessary to repeat them.

Thither they had fled for refuge after the brush with Lady Dunborough and the rencontre with Sir George. To that room she had betaken herself in the first flush and triumph of Sir George's suit; and there, surrounded by the same objects on which she now gazed, she had sat, rapt in rosy visions, through the livelong day preceding her abduction.

Besides, in the light of Waite's application to the sheriff for assistance, it was comparatively easy to conceive of a valid reason why Hawley should vanish, and desire, likewise, to take Miss Maclaire with him. But there was no apparent occasion for his forcible abduction of Hope.