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Near-by stands the world's largest statue, carved out of an immense boulder by the Jains in A.D. 983 to honor the saint Comateswara. The ubiquitous religious shrines of Mysore are a constant reminder of the many great saints of South India.

The Egyptians, the Tartars, the Canaanites, the Chinese, the Arabians, the Welsh, and the Scandinavians have all been credited with the colonisation of America; but the only race from the Old World which had almost certainly been there were the Scandinavians. In the year 983 the coast of Greenland was visited by Eric the Red, the son of a Norwegian noble, who was banished for the crime of murder.

There are Lord Lansdowne's still greater estate of 94,983 acres, and the large property held by Trinity College, both of which have given rise to considerable controversy of late. In many parts of Kerry may be found townlands vying in wretchedness with Coshleen and Champolard, with Derryinver, Cleggan, and Omey Island while others give abundant evidence of improvement and enlightened management.

Paid Hightower Hotel................ $ 42,983.75 Keep of horses, and extra horse and carriage hire....................... 5,628.50 Chartering steam-yacht Viluca three months.............................. 24,000.00 Expenses running yacht.............. 46,850.28 W. U. Telegraph Company............. 32.65 Incidentals......................... 882,763.90 Total $1,002,259.08

TREASURY DEPARTMENT: Treasury Department proper 68,735,451.00 69,865,240.00 70,393,543.75 69,973,434.61 1,658,092.75 1,237,983.61 + 420,109.14 Public buildings and works 11,864,545.60 6,198,365.60 7,101,465.60 5,565,164.00 + 4,763,080.00 + 6,299,381.60 + 1,536,301.60

Total killed ................ 3,044 Total killed and wounded..... 21,996 Prisoners captured by us .... 12,983 Aggregate loss to the Southern Army .......... 34,979 The foregoing figures are official, and are very nearly correct.

It is seventy feet in height and carved out of a mass of granite standing on the top of a hill and represents a sage so sunk in meditation that anthills and creepers have grown round his feet without breaking his trance. An inscription states that it was erected about 983 A.D. by the minister of a king of the Ganga dynasty .

TREASURY DEPARTMENT: Treasury Department proper 68,735,451.00 69,865,240.00 70,393,543.75 69,973,434.61 1,658,092.75 1,237,983.61 + 420,109.14 Public buildings and works 11,864,545.60 6,198,365.60 7,101,465.60 5,565,164.00 + 4,763,080.00 + 6,299,381.60 + 1,536,301.60

Astorga and Leon, in spite of the efforts of Bermudo II. to save his capital, were taken and razed to the ground in 983. Barcelona only escaped the same fate in the following year by submission and tribute; but the crowning glory of Al-mansur's achievements in the al-jahid or holy war, was the capture, in 997, Santiago, the shrine and sepulchre of the patron saint of Spain.

From there he proceeded to Rome, in which city he was attacked by a violent fever, brought on by the grief and excitement into which his reverses had thrown his susceptible and impatient mind. He died December 7, 983, and was buried in the church of St. Peter, at Rome.