United States or Kazakhstan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Yes, don't you remember Acts 2:47, which said that 'the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved'? If salvation made them members then why does not salvation make us members now? Why, Mary, surely it does. This must correspond with Paul's saying that we read from I Cor. 12:13, about the Spirit baptizing us all into one body.

Italy lost twenty-one steamers with a gross tonnage of 70,000 in the period before the reader, while Norway, a neutral, lost fifty steamers having an aggregate tonnage of 96,000, more than 25 per cent larger. Total allied shipping losses numbered 481 steamships having a tonnage of 1,621,000, and fifty-seven sailing vessels, with a tonnage of 47,000.

If we might judge from the angles of altitude of the tops, taken at eighteen miles' distance, they appeared to be about 500 or 600 toises high. According to Berthoud's time-keeper, the longitude of Cape Macanao is 66 degrees 47 minutes 5 seconds. I speak of the rocks at the extremity of the cape, and not that strip of very low land which stretches to the west, and loses itself in a shoal.

I worked out sights and wrote up this diary, which was a few days adrift. Temperature -10 degrees. "We are now Past Shackleton's position for December 31, and it does look as if Captain Scott were bound to reach the Pole. Position 86 degrees 55 minutes 47 minutes S., 175 degrees 40 minutes E. "At 7 p.m. Captain Scott cooked tea for all hands.

Sister Kate spoke to her sharply. "Nurse," she said, "I hope you remember the rule which forbids favoritism I noticed that you stayed longer than was necessary with No. 47." "She complained a good deal of her back, Sister, and I was arranging her pillows for her." "Don't try to deceive me," said Sister Kate. "You know perfectly well that you did not spend all that time arranging a pillow.

Situated in the centre of the United States, the State of Illinois extends from 37° to 42° 30' N. latitude, and from 10° 47' to 14° 26' W. longitude from Washington. The State is 378 miles long from North to South, and 212 miles broad from East to West.

During the years from '47 to '64, Marx and Engels, with their little coterie in London and their correspondents in other countries, spent most of their time in study, reading, and writing, with little opportunity to participate in the actual struggles of labor.

For the three following days I continued to visit this locality, adding each time many new species to my collection-the following notes of which may be interesting to entomologists. October 15th, 33 species of beetles; 16th, 70 species; 17th, 47 species; 18th, 40 species; 19th, 56 species in all about a hundred species, of which forty were new to me.

All these buildings were at once put up, and are now giving effective service. At present the school owns 47 horses and colts, 76 mules, 495 cows and calves, 601 pigs, and 977 fowls of different kinds. These animals are all of good stock, some of them being thoroughbreds, and are cared for by the students who work in the Agricultural Department.

Try one more glass of the '47 port. Stop; you'll excuse me; I am a man of business; I don't doubt your word; Heaven forbid! but, do you happen to have any document you can produce, in further confirmation of what you state; namely, that you have passed your final examination at the University?" "Certainly, sir;" replied young Wardlaw. "My Testamur." "What is that?"