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A. The diameter of the rolling circle is very easily found, for we have only to divide 5,280 times the number of miles per hour, by 60 times the number of strokes per minute, to get an expression for the circumference of the rolling circle, or the following rule may be adopted: divide 88 times the speed of the vessel in statute miles per hour, by 3.1416 times the number of strokes per minute; the quotient will be the diameter in feet of the rolling circle.

When the tire is thus curved, it is only necessary to add the thickness of the hoop to the diameter, and then to find the circumference from a table; or the same result will be obtained by multiplying the diameter thus increased by the thickness of the hoop by 3.1416. Q. How are the tires attached to the wheels?

The area of the surface cut in this case will be the circumference of the punch, 3.1416 inches, multiplied by the thickness of the plate, 1 inch, which makes the area of the cut surface 3.1416 square inches. The area of the point of the punch subjected to the pressure is .7854 square inches, so that the area cut to the area crushed is as four to one.

Henry the Fifth occasionally kept his court at Windsor, and in 1416 entertained with great magnificence the Emperor Sigismund, who brought with him an invaluable relic the heart of Saint George which he bestowed upon the chapter. The emperor was at the same time invested with the Order. In 1421 the unfortunate Henry the Sixth was born within the castle, and in 1484 he was interred within it.

The square described on the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares described on the other two sides, because he made it so. The circumference of a circle is approximately 3.1416 times the diameter because he made it so.

In 1335 the whole town was paved, a great sewer was constructed, and there were regulations about tiling and other constructional matters. Traffic in slaves was abolished by act of the Greater Council on January 26, 1416. In 1432 a foundling hospital was established, and in 1435 public schools.

In the illustration thus given the propeller shaft, having advanced six feet, we have what is called a six foot pitch. Now, to lay out such a pitch is an easy matter. The problem now is to cut the blades at such an angle that we shall have a six foot pitch. Laying out the Pitch. This is done by multiplying 7 by 3.1416. This equals 21.99, or, practically, 22 feet.

The Grammar School at Market Snodsbury had, I understood, been built somewhere in the year 1416, and, as with so many of these ancient foundations, there still seemed to brood over its Great Hall, where the afternoon's festivities were to take place, not a little of the fug of the centuries.

Turning to the heretics, we see great lives cut short by the terrible blows of the inquisition: Savanarola, the brave Italian preacher, the reformer monk, tortured and burned A.D. 1498; John Huss, the enemy of the papacy, burned A.D. 1415, in direct violation of the safe conduct granted him; Jerome, of Prague, the friend and companion of Huss, burned A.D. 1416.

In 1416, Parliament dissolved the alien priories and vested their estates in the crown. There is extant a letter of Cardinal Morton, Legate of the Apostolic See, and Archbishop of Canterbury, to the abbot of St. Albans, one of the mightiest abbeys in all England. It was written as the result of an investigation started by Innocent VIII., in 1489.