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On the contrary, Varin, ever more ready with a lie than Bigot, confirmed with a loud oath the statement of the Intendant. La Corne St. Luc looked like a baffled lion as Rigaud de Vaudreuil, with the familiarity of an old friend, laid his hand over his mouth, and would not let him speak. Rigaud feared the coming challenge, and whispered audibly in the ear of St. Luc,

Then he pushed the bewildered Varin through the door. "Daspry! Daspry!" I cried, pushing aside the curtain. He ran to me. "What? What's the matter?" "Madame Andermatt is ill." He hastened to her, caused her to inhale some salts, and, while caring for her, questioned me: "Well, what did it?" "The letters of Louis Lacombe that you gave to her husband."

"We must run fast, friends," said Chapeau to his allies from Durbelliere and Echanbroignes, "for the first men who reach Varin, will retake 'Marie Jeanne; we will have a share in her, as well as the men of St. Florent."

Another staff-officer stepped up, took the pen, and also wrote his name, "Varin." "Now, general," he said, presenting the pen to Bisson. The general took the pen, cast a last despairing glance toward heaven and then toward his soldiers, bent over the paper to sign it. The pen dropped from his hand, and he had to lean against the table in order not to sink to the ground.

How can a man say then, whom he has killed in battle, or whether he has killed any man? I do not recollect that I ever fired a shot at Varin myself, and yet my musket was discharged and the pan was up. I will not say that I ever killed a man; but I will say that I never struck a man who asked for mercy, or fired a shot even on a republican, who had thrown down his arms."

"There is something about this affair I don't like. I am going home. Good evening." "One moment!" "No need of that, Mon. Andermatt. I have nothing to say to you." "But I have something to say to you, and this is a good time to say it." "Let me pass." "No, you will not pass." Varin recoiled before the resolute attitude of the banker, as he muttered: "Well, then, be quick about it."

Cadet's rough disposition chimed well with the Intendant's wish. "Come on, Varin, and the rest of you," cried he, "give spur, and fight your way through the rabble." The whole troop plunged madly at the crowd, striking right and left with their heavy hunting-whips. A violent scuffle ensued; many habitans were ridden down, and some of the horsemen dismounted.

Nevertheless, he sought society; for on Sunday, when the ladies Rochefeuille, Monsieur de Houppeville and the new habitués, Onfroy, the chemist, Monsieur Varin and Captain Mathieu, dropped in for their game of cards, he struck the window-panes with his wings and made such a racket that it was impossible to talk. Bourais' face must have appeared very funny to Loulou.

The Golden Dog is " "Damn the Golden Dog!" exclaimed Bigot, passionately. "Why do you utter his name, Varin, to sour our wine? I hope one day to pull down the Dog, as well as the whole kennel of the insolent Bourgeois." Then, as was his wont, concealing his feelings under a mocking gibe, "Varin," said he, "they say that it is your marrow bone the Golden Dog is gnawing ha! ha! ha!"

"Dimanche j'avais rassemblé les dames de France hors Mad. de Parfouru qui m'a fait l'honneur de me venir voir il y a trois jours et en la voyant je me suis apperçu que l'amour avait des traits de puissance dont on ne pouvait pas rendre raison, non pas par l'impression qu'elle a faite sur mon coeur, mais bien par celle qu'elle a faite sur celui de son époux. Mercredi une assemblée chez Mad. Varin. Jeudi un bal chez le Chev. de Lévis qui avait prié 65 Dames ou demoiselles; Il n'y en avait que trente autant d'hommes qu'