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I had just arisen, to follow his example, when a furious uproar burst out at the card table. I saw Romayne spring up, and snatch the cards out of the General's hand. "You scoundrel!" he shouted, "you are cheating!" The General started to his feet in a fury. "You lie!" he cried. I attempted to interfere, but Romayne had already seen the necessity of controlling himself.

Say, for instance, that I have committed some serious offense " Romayne could not resist interrupting him. "Say you have killed one of your fellow-creatures," he suggested. "Very well. Murderer as I am, I have, in that case, some moral worth still left in me.

It doesn't do for a man in my position to show anger. Romayne went on. "We talked of my wife, Father Benwell, the last time you were here. You only knew, then, that her reception of Mr. Winterfield had determined him never to enter my house again. By way of adding to your information on the subject of 'petticoat government, I may now tell you that Mrs.

See, you moisten it slightly in water, fry it in boiling fat, sugar it and keep hot till served. Thus Hudson Bay hard tack becomes muffles." "Marvellous!" exclaimed Mr. Romayne, "and truly delicious! And to think that the Savoy chef knows nothing about muffles!

It is most ridiculous I really cannot get out of bed. Perhaps I did do just a little too much yesterday. The opera after the garden party, and a ball after the opera, and this tiresome cough all night after the ball. Quite a series, isn't it? Make my apologies to our dear dismal Romayne and if you drive out this afternoon, come and have a chat with me. Your affectionate mother, Emily Eyrecourt.

Romayne still looked at him without attending to what he said. "Surely you don't think I am deceiving you?" Penrose remonstrated. "No; I was thinking of something else. I was wondering whether I really know you as well as I thought I did. Am I mistaken in supposing that you are not an ambitious man?" "My only ambition is to lead a worthy life, and to be as useful to my fellow-creatures as I can.

Eyrecourt writes to me earnestly, requesting, if I return by way of Italy, that I will get her some information about Romayne. She is eager to know whether they have made him a priest yet.

If she had been able to estimate the noble qualities in the nature of Penrose, she might have done him the justice to arrive at a truer conclusion. Romayne. He had said to his friend, "If I am wrong in my anticipation of the effect of your change of religion on your wife, let me find it out from herself. My one object is to act justly toward you and toward her.

To a man of his celebrity, doors are no doubt opened which remain closed to persons less widely known. "I have performed my promise," he writes "and I may say for myself that I spoke with every needful precaution. The result a little startled me. Romayne was not merely unprepared to hear of the birth of his child he was physically and morally incapable of sustaining the shock of the disclosure.

She entered his room with the letter in her hand. The only light was a reading lamp, with the shade so lowered that the corners of the study were left in obscurity. In one of these corners Romayne was dimly visible, sitting with his head sunk on his breast. He never moved when Stella opened the door. At first she thought he might be asleep. "Do I disturb you, Lewis?" she asked softly.