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Why, when I popped into that thar room, and saw that lady all gold, furbelows, and spangles at twelve o'clock at night, sittin' in that cheer and you a-cuttin' her h'r and swabbin' her head o' blood, and kinder prospectin' for 'indications, so to speak, and doin' it so kam and indifferent like, I sez to myself, 'Rube, Rube, sez I, 'this yer's life! city life!

"Ma'am," said Trinidad with a sigh, "prospectin' for kids at Christmas time is like huntin' in limestone for silver. This parental business is one that I haven't no chance to comprehend.

"I've been waitin' a turrible time fer this day," said the elder. "I've suffered the plagues of prospectin' from the Mexicos to the Circle, an' yet I don't begretch it none, now that I've struck pay." While they spoke, two miners struggled with a bowlder they had unearthed, and having scraped and washed it carefully, staggered back to place it on the cleaned bed-rock behind.

"Well, not jist exactly," drawled Old Ben; "it's too tarnal cold to do much prospectin'. We're jist on an observin' trip this time." "Observing the scenery, or what?" persisted Ham. "We heard you doing some mighty loud observing up here a few minutes ago. Come, now, no secrets. What are you up to? Do you know you are trespassing this very moment?" "Trespassin', eh?

I could see all the while that the varmint's eyes wur fixed upon mine, an' I never tuk mine from hisn; I know'd 'twur the only way to keep him still. "I wur jest prospectin' what ud be the eendin' o' the business, when I seed we wur a-gettin' closter to the timmer: 'twan't more 'n two miles off, but 'twur all under water 'ceptin' the tops o' the trees.

"I was prospectin' a claim on Caribou Creek, and had her punched as full of holes as a sponge cake, when the necessity of a change appealed to me. I was out of everything more nourishing than hope and one slab of pay-streaked bacon, when two tenderfeet 'mushed' up the gulch, and invited themselves into my cabin to watch me pan.

"I been prospectin' up 'round the saloon, Cla'nden. They's a nasty mess of Mexicans in town, all gettin' drunk." Then I heard a faint rustle of the bushes and I knew that the woman was slipping away to her place under the wagon. I remembered the Mexican whom I had last seen across the street from the Clarenden store in Independence.

The sharp eyes seemed to go through Ralph. "Dead sure. We ain't drawn a cent's worth o' colour out o' it fer nine months solid." "'Tain't worth prospectin' fer the reef?" "Can't say. I ain't much when it comes to prospectin' gold. I knows the colour when I sees it." Nick joined in the conversation at this point. "Guess you'd a notion you fancied bein' in it," he said, smiling over at the Breed.

An' I sez it, it ain't easy, folks like me speechin' to folks like you " "Oh, git on!" cried Pete in a tired voice. "Your hot air's nigh freezin'," laughed Soapy Kid. "Quit it," cried Ike hotly. "Ain't they an ignorant lot o' hogs?" he went on, appealing to the smiling girl. "Y' see, missie, we're right glad you come along. We're prospectin' this layout fer gold an' "

Sucatash looked curiously at De Launay, wondering how a man who was in Algeria came to know so much about these old survivals. "Leastways, I've heard tell they was both of them prospectin' the Esmeraldas a whole lot in them days and hangin' together. But Panamint struck this soft graft and wouldn't let Jim in on it, so they broke up the household.