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"If you fellows is prospectin', Jeffery Neilson is a first-class man to stay away from and his understrapers, too Ray Brent and Chan Heminway. But they're out of town right now. They skinned out all in a bunch a few weeks ago and I can't tell you what kind of a scent they got." Ezram felt cold to the marrow of his bones.

"Arre ye contint wid that gowld-mine at Minóok? No, be the Siven! What's wan gowld-mine to a millionaire? What forr wud ye be prospectin that desert oiland, you and yer faithful man Froyday, if ye wasn't rooned intoirely be riches?" The Boy tore himself away from his old friends, and followed the arbiter of his fate. The engines had started up again, and they were going on.

Also she had $300 that her grip wasn't any too tight on, and before she knew it F. Hallam had sub-let the loft to her until Sept. 15, payable in advance. Two days later the Beans, with more'n half of the loot left, were out on Long Island prospectin' around in our locality and talking vague about taking a furnished bungalow.

"I had been seein' this hyeh Yellowstone Park, takin' in its geysers, and this and that, for my enjoyment; and when I found what they claimed about its strange sights to be pretty near so, I landed up at Galena Creek to watch the boys prospectin'. Honey Wiggin, yu' know, and McLean, and the rest.

"There's suthin' queer prospectin' around these diggings an' I'd like t' know what it is!" "I guess we all would," spoke Bud. "And we'd better start right in to find out about it. First they made sure that Four Eyes was playing no trick on them by hiding under one of the cots in the bunk tent. Though, as Bud pointed out, it would pass the bounds of fun to have cut the canvas shelter as it was cut.

Why, darn my skin, when that 'reflex' met the current at the other end, it just swirled around again in what Captain Fairfax called the 'centrifugal curve, and just went round and round the canyon like ez when yer washin' the dirt out o' a prospectin' pan every now and then washin' some one of the boys that was in it, like scum, up ag'in the banks.

"And found nothing?" "You're mistaken there, pard. I found more than I expected." "What, gold?" asked several in chorus. "Been prospectin'?" "No." "A pretty squaw?" "Ha, ha. No, not this time; they're too d scarce." "Well, what did you find, man? Don't be so mysterious."

"But a man that has to work by the day fur enough to take him through the prospectin' season can't blow any of his dust on frivolous things like pie. The hard-workin' plain food is the kind he has to tote, and I never heard of pie bein' in anybody's grub-stake either.

The claim is filed O. K. elsewhere, and at present, as you're prospectin' on the hither side o' my line, I'll put one straight question to you: Did, or did not, Little Peachey ask you for protection?" "Why, no," retorted Hemsley, a trifle confused, "she didn't not in so many words." He turned to the girl. "Who is this man? Tell me everything; you needn't be afraid, Miss Crane."

"From your report of what you heard," says I, "and from the looks of the ground 'n everything, I should judge that the Harbor Hills Exploring and Excavating Co. had been making a night raid on our property." "Pooh!" says Vee. "I never heard of such a company. But if there is one, why should they come here?" "Oh, just prospectin', I expect," says I. "For what?" demands Vee.