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But with the supremacy gained by science, the introduction of the one-price system in business, and the gradually growing conviction that honesty is man's most valuable asset, we behold light at the end of the tunnel.

They tell far better than all the 'one-price' and fair-dealing professions, in which people have little faith. In fact, the mass will overreach if they can, and therefore regard these 'honest' assumptions with suspicion." The young man, Edward Claire, did not make a reply for nearly a minute. Something in the words of Mr.

I think it really spoiled my gift to her that I insisted on making the girl happy with five cents a pound. After that I was not surprised to find Russian merchants catering to the taste of their customers by refusing to adopt the one-price system. It was vulgar to go to market, of course. Even the great mastiff who acted as yard dog at the bazaar made me aware of that fact.

It was an exclamation of disgust, a statement of belief, and a cry of pain. "I might go a quarter of a million." "This here's a one-price store marked plain on the goods. Customers is requested not to haggle." "You're not serious?" "One million dollars." "I'll build a road down my side of the river." "Maybe. Can be done. Twelve mile of tunnel and the rest trestle.