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At first Miss Lavinia seemed to feel guilty at the idea of disturbing Lucy's immaculate pantry at such an hour; but liberty is highly infectious. She had spent the evening out without previous intent; the next step was to feel that her soul was her own on her return.

Was not that the exact sum of money in the purse? "Oh, that must have been for his rent," cried Lavinia, clasping her hands in great distress. "And he gave it to me!" She was overwhelmed. She must return the money at once. But how? She ran to the door. It was locked sure enough. The window? Absurd. It looked out upon a broad gutter and was three storeys from the street.

She was for keeping you for a day or two on bread and water, but I talked her out of it." Lavinia started in dismay. Then she burst out: "I won't endure such treatment. I won't, Hannah! You'll help me to run away, won't you?" "Not till I know what's going to become of you." "But if I'm a prisoner you're my gaoler and you can let me out whenever you choose." "No I can't.

"What effect did the garden have upon the dance invitations?" asked Miss Lavinia, highly amused, and also more eager to hear of the doings of society than she would care to confess. "Excellent! Mrs.

Little Miss Amanda had seen and guessed at his plight and the coffee threat to Miss Lavinia had been one of the nimble manoeuvers that she daily, almost hourly, employed in the management of her sister's ponderosity. Thus she had saved this day, but Everett knew that there were others to come, and in the dim distance he discerned his Waterloo.

This time he returned of his own accord, bringing a wife with him, one Evelyn Gott of Ostable. Evelyn could talk a bit herself, and her first interview with Lavinia ended with the latter's leaving the house in a rage, swearing never to set foot in it again. This oath she broke the day of her sister-in-law's funeral. Then she appeared, after the ceremony, her baggage on the wagon with her.

They had kissed the quiet face on the pillow. They had said to each other, "We will live with him or die with him as God pleases." Miss Lavinia sat by the bedside. Natalie was on a stool at her feet with her eyes closed, and her head on her aunt's knee. Time went on.

Young gallants gorgeously arrayed were swaggering arm in arm in pursuit of adventure, in plain words in pursuit of women, the prettier the better. Lavinia had scornfully repelled the advances of more than one and to loiter would but invite further unwelcome attention. The night was come but fortunately the sky was clear, for the Strand was ill lighted. St.

Miss Lavinia was still in the hall, sitting on the lower step of the stairs, for the boys had been using the broad landing that made a turn at the top of the three steps as a place to play their games.

Your last summer's sailor is plenty good enough to go to the Whittakers' in, Jane Lavinia." "But Mr. Stephens and his wife are from New York," pleaded Jane Lavinia, "and she's so stylish." "Well, it's likely they're used to seeing chiffon hats," Aunt Rebecca responded, more sarcastically than ever. "It isn't probable that yours would make much of a sensation. Mr.