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But at this juncture Rose Mary appeared at the door with a tray on which stood a bowl of soup, and Miss Lavinia lay back on her pillows weakly, with the fire all gone out of her eyes and exhaustion written on every line of her determined old face.

But before doing so she slipped under the bolster something she was holding in her left hand. It was the purse forced upon her by Lancelot Vane. Mrs. Fenton stood for a minute or so looking at her daughter. She could not deny that the girl was very pretty, but that prettiness gave her no satisfaction. She felt instinctively that Lavinia was her rival.

"Then let us get it quietly over next week, or tomorrow, if you say, unless you wish time to feel sure, or perhaps to think it over," said Martin, with enthusiasm. "Time to think it over!" cried Miss Lavinia, springing lightly to her feet. "No, I'm sure I don't wish to think, I want to act to do things my own way and give no one a chance to speak until it is done.

"You might just as well," said Lavinia Pitkin, tossing her head. "Come, Mr. Pitkin; come, my poor Lonny, we will go home. This is no place for you." "Good-evening, Lavinia," said Mr. Carter calmly. "I shall be glad to see you whenever you feel like calling." "When you have discharged that boy, I may call again," said Mrs. Pitkin spitefully. "You will have to wait some time, then.

'You don't seem very brisk, Ma, retorted Lavvy the bold. 'Brisk? repeated her parent, 'Brisk? Whence the low expression, Lavinia? If I am uncomplaining, if I am silently contented with my lot, let that suffice for my family.

The old lady's wistful blue eyes, dimmed with age, yet retaining a beautiful tenderness of expression, rested upon her anxiously. "You are quite sure?" Repressing the feeling that prompted her to cry out "He was my father!" she replied "I am quite sure!" Lavinia Leigh raised her little mittened hand and pointed to the portrait standing on the harpsichord: "That was Pierce Armitage!" she said.

Miss Lavinia seemed a little abashed, but Martin Cortright, who had been a silent observer until now, said: "It surprises me to see fraternity of this sort in the midst of so many institutions of specialized exclusiveness and the decadence of clubs, that used to be veritable brotherhoods, by unwise expansion.

"'Archibald, said Cordelia, in such a tone that she was not to be gainsaid, 'Lavinia, as a woman of the world, will understand what you refuse to: that it is very important that our daughter should have the surroundings that are now customary to the social set with whom she has been educated, and into which, if she is to be happy, she must marry.

The pleasure of it went with her through the pasture and back to the milking yard; and stayed with her while she helped Aunt Rebecca milk the cows. When the milk was strained into the creamers down at the spring, and the pails washed and set in a shining row on their bench, Jane Lavinia tried to summon up her courage to speak to Aunt Rebecca.

'Wish he did. I really pine for a little attention. It gives such a relish to life, said Matilda, thinking regretfully of the devoted beings left behind. The prudent Amanda and the stern Lavinia steeled their hearts, and iced their countenances to the comely gentleman.