Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: January 25, 2025
Wulfstan said that he sailed from Haethum to Truso in seven days and nights, the ship being under sail all the time. Weonothland was on his right; but Langaland, Laeland, Falster, and Sconeg, were on the left, all of which belong to Dene-mearkan . Burgendaland also, which has a king of its own, was on the left.
Farther, when Wulfsten went from Haethum, or Aarhuus to Truso, he had Weonothland, that is Funen, Fionia, or Fyen to his right; and to the left were, Langeland, Laeland, Falster, and Sconeg; together with Bornholm, Bleking, Moehre, Oeland, and Gotland. But Wendenland remained on his right, all the way to the mouth of the Vistula. Forst. Voy. and Disc. 67.
"Wulfstan said that he went from Haethum to Truso in seven days and nights, and that the ship was running under sail all the way. Weonodland was on his right, and Langland, Laeland, Falster, and Sconey, on his left, all which land is subject to Denmark. "Then on our left we had the land of the Burgundians, who have a king to themselves.
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