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He, too, knits Himself so closely with us, both by the assumption of our manhood and by the identity of loving sympathy, that He accepts nothing from the Father's hand for Himself alone. He, too, presents Himself before God, and says 'I and Thy people. The great seal of proof for the world that He is the beloved of God, lies in the divine guardianship and guidance of His servants.

"She knits it out of worsted." "That's right," laughed Ruth. "It's a crocheted 'throw' for a couch. You are right, Dot; and so are you, too, Aggie." "Are we ever going to get to Sammy Pinkney?" groaned Agnes. "Well!" said Tess, indignantly, "I'll tell you, if you'll give me a chance." "Sail right in, sister," chuckled Agnes.

"O friend!" cried Miriam, so putting her soul into the word that it took a heavy richness of meaning, and seemed never to have been spoken before, "O friend, are you conscious, as I am, of this companionship that knits our heart-strings together?" "I feel it, Miriam," said Donatello. "We draw one breath; we live one life!"

"The Lord that they have in Colhassett is not like that," Eleanor stated without conscious irreverence. "She is a vary fonny child, madam," Mademoiselle answered Mrs. Bolling's inquiry. "She has taste, but no experience even of the most ordinary. She cooks, but she does no embroidery. She knits and knows no games to play.

We believe a truth, we trust a Person; and the trust which we are to exercise in Jesus Christ, and which knits us to Him, is our trust in Him, not in any character that we may choose to ascribe to Him, but in the character in which He is revealed in the New Testament Redeemer, Saviour, Manifest God; and therefore, the Infinite Friend and Helper of our souls.

"Poor O'mie!" and Dollie made a dive for the kitchen to weep out her grief alone. It seemed to settle upon Springvale that O'mie was lost; had been overcome in some way by the murderous raiders who had infested our town. In sheer weariness and hopelessness I fell on my bed, that night, and sleep, the "sleep that knits up the ravelled sleave of care," fell upon me.

We need not waste our schoolboy art To gild this notch of time; Forgive me, if my wayward heart Has throbbed in artless rhyme. Enough for him the silent grasp That knits us hand in hand, And he the bracelet's radiant clasp That locks our circling band. Strength to his hours of manly toil! Peace to his starlit dreams! Who loves alike the furrowed soil, The music-haunted streams!

I wonder if French Huguenots were as cordially greeted by English Protestants when they came across the Channel out of great tribulation. But after all, what religion knits people so closely as a common sport? The canoes were carried into the boat-house; they were washed down for us by the Club servants, the sails were hung out to dry, and everything made as snug and tidy as a picture.

There is one thing, however, in it at present very handsome; and that is, the inn-keeper's daughter: She has been eighteen months at Amiens, and six at Paris, in going through her classes; so knits, and sews, and dances, and does the little coquetries very well.

In the long winter evenings the family assembles in the sitting-room, and all kill time as best they can. Ivan Ivan'itch smokes and meditates or listens to the barrel-organ played by one of the children. Maria Petrovna knits a stocking. The old aunt, who commonly spends the winter with them, plays Patience, and sometimes draws from the game conclusions as to the future.