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How does the leathery Frau Mama? Ha! Ha! Frau Mama! How does the Frau Mama? She makes the Papa tea! She makes the Papa tea! She makes the Papa leathery tea! Ha! Ha! Leathery tea! She makes the Papa tea! How does the Mamsell Soeur? How does the Mamsell Soeur? How does the leathery Mamsell Soeur? Ha! Ha! Mamsell Soeur! How does the Mamsell Soeur? She knits the Papa stockings!

I reply with dignity, when she alludes to the imaginary large aunt. "You could take aunt to the opera, you know, and walk with her on Sundays," says Prue, as she knits and calmly looks me in the face, without recognizing my observation.

Something of the sort I was prepared for but all that? Is it always so in your book is everything set down?" "All that leaves any trace behind all acts that make for any consequence!" "All? But man is a free agent this does not look like freedom." "Free to act, yes, but every act knits the fine threads of consequence that can decide the fate of a life!" "No no! Close the book I have seen enough!

This fluttering, changeful, unreliable, emotional nature of mine will be made calm and steadfast by faith, and duties done in the faith of God will bind me to Him; and sorrows borne and joys accepted in the faith of God will be links in the chain that knits Him to me. But then the question comes, how to get this continuous faith? Brethren!

Uncle Kittredge might be a trifle over thrifty a leetle nigh, his neighbours called him but there was no stinting at Thanksgiving, and when a boy is accustomed to perpetual corn-bread and sausages, he knows how to appreciate unlimited turkey and plum pudding; and when he is used to gloomy evenings, in which Uncle Kittredge holds the one feeble kerosene lamp between himself and a newspaper, Aunt Kittredge knits in silent meditation on blue yarn stockings, he knows how good it is to have the house filled with lights and people, jolly games going on in the parlour, and candy-pulling in the kitchen.

And something more than hope, for if you have the feeblest beginning of tremulous trust, you have that which only needs to be fostered to make you like Jesus Christ. Look at what follows our text: 'Add to your faith, virtue, and to virtue, knowledge, and so on, through the whole linked series of Christian graces. They all come out of that trust which knits us to Him who is the source of them all.

"The trooper would better not have left his plow," adds a countryman, with a cunning air. "Poor old man!" murmurs a woman, almost crying. The veteran has heard, and he knits his brow; for it seems to him that his guide has grown thoughtful.

But you and I know more than this singer did; for we can listen to the Master, who says, 'He that believeth on Him is not condemned'; and to the servant who echoes and perhaps both of them are alluding to our psalm 'There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus. My faith, if it knits me to Jesus Christ, unties the bonds by which my sin is bound upon me, for it makes me to share in His Spirit, in His righteousness, in His glory.

Whence come you, little tender Thought, tapping at my brain? From the lonely forest, where the peasant mother croons above the cradle while she knits? Thought of Love and Longing: lies your gallant father with his boyish eyes unblinking underneath some tropic sun? Thought of Life and Thought of Death: are you of patrician birth, cradled by some high-born maiden, pacing slowly some sweet garden?

She knits his mittens and his stockings, and hems his pocket-handkerchiefs, and aspires to make his shirts all herself. Whatever book Moses reads, forthwith she aspires to read too, and though three years younger, reads with a far more precocious insight.