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Instead of acknowledging the legitimate needs, concerns, and demands of nations in the Balkan they proclaimed two untenable principles: borders must not change and populations must stay put. They dangled the carrot of European Union membership as an inducement to peace. Yet, as opposed to the past, the remaining Big Powers were unwilling to actively intervene to enforce these principles.

He wore a pointed beard of reddish hue; his head was quite bald on top, and bulging at the brow; and the contour of that head, with its polished dome, and the narrow face tapering down to the pointed beard, was comically suggestive of a carrot. But it was an intelligent, even intellectual countenance, and his blue eyes were honest and bright.

"Phelim," said the master, "I'll invert you a scarecrow for dunces. I'll lay you against the wall, with your head down and your heels up like a forked carrot." "But how will you manage that?" said Phelim. "What 'ud I be doin' in the mane time?" "I'll find a way to manage it," said the master. "To put my head down an' my heels up, is it?" inquired Phelim.

They used to bring me nice things to eat, an apple or a carrot, or a piece of bread, but after Ginger stood in that box they dared not come, and I missed them very much. I hope they will now come again, if you do not bite or snap." I told him I never bit anything but grass, hay, and corn, and could not think what pleasure Ginger found it.

How would you like to stay here and work for me? You have good ears, and you could listen for burglars in the night when I am asleep. Will you?" "I think I will," said Uncle Wiggily. And he was just reaching for another carrot, when suddenly from outside sounded a terrible racket. "Where is he? Let me get at him!

There were pro-prunists and there were con-prunists. The parsnip had its champions and its antagonists; the carrot its defenders and its assailants. In this quarter was the cabbage heartily indorsed, there was it belittled and made naught of.

The smallest, box 1, was six inches in each direction, the next larger, box 2, was twelve inches, and the third, box 3, eighteen inches. As in the case of the other animals, bait, either banana or carrot, was suspended from the middle of the roof of the large cage at such distance from the floor as to be reached by the animal only by the use of the boxes.

The undergrowth was thick in this part; I couldn't see before my nose, and must burst my way through by main force and ply the knife as I went, slicing the cords of the lianas and slashing down whole trees at a blow. I call them trees for the bigness, but in truth they were just big weeds, and sappy to cut through like carrot.

Heat two tablespoons of fat in a spider, let brown slightly, add two tablespoons of flour and gradually one cup of carrot and meat liquid. Place in kettle with meat and carrots and boil until carrots become browned. Make a syrup of one cup of sugar and one cup of water by boiling ten minutes.

"Phineas, we just got t' eat," McGuffey declared ominously. "Eat an' be dog-goned," the skipper snarled. "I ain't a-tryin' to prevent you. Are you two suckin' infants that I got to feed you? There's plenty o' fresh vegetables out on deck. Green peas ain't to be sneezed at, an' as for French carrots, science'll tell you there's ninety-two per cent. more nutriment in a carrot than " Mr.