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It took but two minutes to run through the text; the holy water was dashed from the hyssop; and the priest, with a small shovel, threw a quantity of clods after it. "Requiescat in pace!" he cried, like one just awakened, and now for the first time the grave-diggers ceased; they wanted the customary fee, pour boire. The exiles never felt so destitute before; not a sou could be found in the Colony.

For example, there is a proverb in German: "Quand le cheval est sellé il faut le monter;" in French there is a proverb: "Quand le vin est tiré il faut le boire." Well, a translator who would translate quand le cheval, etc., by quand le vin, etc., is an ass, and does not know his business.

After a while a strange faintness stole over me; I felt as if I were dying, my eyes closed, my head sank on my breast, and I remembered no more. "Regardez mon père, regardez! Il va mieux, le pauvre homme." "C'est ça, ma fille chérie, faites le boire." I open my eyes with an effort, for the dust of the desert has almost blinded me.

"Merci," replied O'Brien, putting the handkerchief which contained the map into his pocket; "voici a boire, mon ami;" and he slipped the paper with the five Napoleons into the hand of the gendarme, who immediately retreated.

It all meant beer, "only that and nothing more;" a mere pour boire souvenir to celebrate our mutual acquaintance. So I gave him a couple of pennies, just as I would have given him a bite of tobacco if we had both been in that line. I feared to give him more, lest he might think I meant bread and bacon and thought him a beggar.

I rushed out of the office; procured a hansom, with the fastest horse I was able to pick out in my hurry; and, set out homewards. I arrived within the bounds of Saint Canon's parish within the half- hour, thanks to the "pour boire" that I held out, in anticipation of hurry, to my Jehu. A few minutes afterwards, I called at The Terrace. The ladies were both out, the servant said.

Le chef étoit en ce moment assis sur un siége de pierre, et il avoit devant lui un fallot allumé. Il ne lui fut pas difficile de diviner d'où nous venions: aussi y eut-il quatre de mes camarades qui s'esquivèrent; il n'en resta qu'un avec moi. Je dis tout ceci, afin de prévenir les personnes qui, demain ou un jour quelconque, voyageroient, ainsi que moi, dans leur pays, qu'elles se gardent bien de boire avec eux,

The criticisms have to be as abstract as the arguments, and in exposing their unreality, take on such an unreal sound themselves that a hearer not nursed in the intellectualist atmosphere knows not which of them to accuse. But le vin est versé, il faut le boire, and I must cite a couple more instances before I stop.

Such are the ebullitions of his heart in his jovial moments; and the following lines, which would spoil in the translation, give a lively picture of them: "Pour trop bien boire un curé de Bourgogne De son pauvre oeil se trouvait déferré, Un docteur vint: Voici de la besogne Dit-il, pour plus d'un jour; Je patienterai! Ça vous boirez: Eh bien! soit, je boirai!

Father Luke's drollest stories, his very quaintest humour shone forth, and the Abbe sang a new "Chanson a Boire," that Beranger might hav envied. "What are you about, my dear Father D'Array?" said the Colonel; "you are surely not rising yet; here's a fresh cooper of port just come in; sit down, I entreat."