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A play, followed by a ballet-pantomime and a ball, terminated the fete. Fireworks and illuminations were not spared. Finally, from a prodigiously high scaffold, placed on a rising ground, the words 'Vive Louis! Vive Marie Antoinette! were shown in the air in the midst of a very dark but calm night. Pleasure was the sole pursuit of every one of this young family, with the exception of the King.

A play, followed by a ballet-pantomime and a ball, terminated the fete. Fireworks and illuminations were not spared. Finally, from a prodigiously high scaffold, placed on a rising ground, the words 'Vive Louis! Vive Marie Antoinette! were shown in the air in the midst of a very dark but calm night. Pleasure was the sole pursuit of every one of this young family, with the exception of the King.

A play, followed by a ballet-pantomime and a ball, terminated the fete. Fireworks and illuminations were not spared. Finally, from a prodigiously high scaffold, placed on a rising ground, the words 'Vive Louis! Vive Marie Antoinette! were shown in the air in the midst of a very dark but calm night. Pleasure was the sole pursuit of every one of this young family, with the exception of the King.