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Verdugo and Frederic van den Berg picked up a few cities, and strong places which had thrown off their allegiance September, to the king Auerzyl, Schlochteren, Winschoten, Wedde, Ootmarzum and invested the much more important town of Coeworden, which Maurice had so recently reduced to the authority of the Union.

Verdugo and Frederic van den Berg picked up a few cities, and strong places which had thrown off their allegiance September, to the king Auerzyl, Schlochteren, Winschoten, Wedde, Ootmarzum and invested the much more important town of Coeworden, which Maurice had so recently reduced to the authority of the Union.

Verdugo and Frederic van den Berg picked up a few cities, and strong places which had thrown off their allegiance September, to the king Auerzyl, Schlochteren, Winschoten, Wedde, Ootmarzum and invested the much more important town of Coeworden, which Maurice had so recently reduced to the authority of the Union.

Verdugo and Frederic van den Berg picked up a few cities, and strong places which had thrown off their allegiance September, to the king Auerzyl, Schlochteren, Winschoten, Wedde, Ootmarzum and invested the much more important town of Coeworden, which Maurice had so recently reduced to the authority of the Union.