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Costello were eager for the matinee, "here's your book of numbers, Alanna. And here, I'll tie a pencil and a string to it. Don't lose it. I've given you two hundred numbers at a quarter each, and mind the minute any one pays for one, you put their name down on the same line!" "Oo, oo!" said Alanna in pride. "Two hundred! That's lots of money, isn't it, Dad?

"Marg'ret's three months older than me. First they were going to have me, but Marg'ret's the oldest. And she does it awfully nicely, doesn't she, Alanna? Sister Celia says it's really the most important thing of the day. And we all stand round Marg'ret while she does it. And the best of it all is, it's a surprise for Superior!"

But it was only a day later that Teresa and Alanna returned from school with faces filled with expressions of utter woe. Indignant, protesting, tearful, they burst forth the instant they reached their mother's sympathetic presence with the bitter tale of the day's happenings. Marg'ret Hammond's father had come home again, it appeared, and he was awfully, awfully cross with Marg'ret and Joe.

Arden gave her the injection, then said, "It will take effect in a few minutes, and once it does, I will also have to start treating you as an oathbreaker. However, I told the Alanna that there was more to this than appears on the surface, and he has agreed to contact Torrance for the interrogation reports, then watch a copy of the monitor tapes from here that I will send with his warriors.

"I was doin' all the tableclot's and napkins, an' out drops your little buke!" "My what did you say?" said Alanna, very white. "Your little buke," said Annie. She laid the chance book on the table, and proceeded to mend the fire. Alanna sank back in her chair. She twisted her fingers together, and tried to think of an appropriate prayer.

Peety, who was well known and a great favorite on his rounds, received a warm and hospitable welcome from Jemmy Burke, who made him and the girl sit upon the hob, and immediately ordered them breakfast. "Here, Nancy Devlin, get Peety and the girsha their skinfuls of stirabout an' milk. Sit over to the fire, alanna, an' warm yourself."

"Gutsho, alanna? thurm pogue? come here, child, and kiss me," said Owen to his little namesake; "an' sure I can't forget the little woman here; gutsho, a colleen, and kiss: me too." Owen took her on his knee, and kissed her twice. "Och, but poor Kathleen," said he, "will be the proud woman of this, when she hears it; in throth she will be that." "Arrah! what's comin' over me!" said Mrs. Farrell.

"And who else should I main, alanna; sure isn't he your own beau, and ain't you to be married to him, Miss Feemy?" "Nonsense, Mary." "Well, now, but sure you wouldn't be ashamed of telling me isn't you going to have him, Miss?" "But musn't I wait to be asked, like another? Sure, Mary, you didn't go asking Denis McGovery, did you?"

"Ooh, then, no, alanna, but I'd just thank ye for a dhrink of cowld wather, if ye plase; an' that may be the strengthenin' of us a bit."

Costello carefully transferred to the book-case the lamp she had just lifted, dusted her hands together, and turned eyes full of sympathetic interest upon her oldest daughter, Teresa's tragedies were very apt to be of the spirit, and had not the sensational urgency that alarms from the boys or Alanna commanded. "What is it then, darlin'?" said she. "Oh, it's Marg'ret, mother!"