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Donkin, the well-known mechanical engineers, after the working drawings of the Messrs. Scheutz. History of the Royal Society, ii. 374.

In 1840 there were present 283 men, women, and children. 1841 there were present 374 men, women, and children. 1842 there were present 400 men, women, and children. 1843 there were present 450 men, women, and children. 1844 there were present 793 men, women, and children.

To this latter sum had to be added the cost of acquiring the rights and property of the French company, which had stated to the commission that it estimated its interests at $109,141,500, making the total cost of the Panama canal $253,374,858. The commission expressed the opinion that the interests of the French company were not worth over $40,000,000.

"A population of one hundred twenty thousand souls..... There are not amongst all these, one thousand five hundred patriots, even one thousand five hundred persons that one could spare." Guillon de Montleon, I., 355, 374. Guillon de Montleon, I., 342. "Archives des Affaires Etrangeres," vol. Archives Nationales, AF. II., 46.

By John Todd. Northampton. Bridgman & Childs. 18mo. pp. 374. 75 cts. The Cavalier, an Historical Novel. By G.P.R. James, Esq. Philadelphia. T.B. Peterson & Brothers. 12mo. pp. 391. $1.25. Counterparts, or the Cross of Love. By the Author of "Charles Auchester." Boston. Mayhew & Baker. 8vo. pp. 262. $1.00. Love. Translated from the Fourth Paris Edition by J.W. Palmer, M.D. New York.

Dante: allusion in Anthology, 31; rank, 202, 320; times mentioned, 382. Dartmouth College, oration, 131-135. Darwin, Charles, Origin of Species, 105. Dawes, Rufus, Boyhood Memories, 44. Declaration of Independence, intellectual, 115. Delirium, imaginative, easily produced, 238. Delia Cruscans, allusion, 152. Delos, allusion, 374. Delphic Oracle: of New England, 72; illustration, 84.

You must pay your just debts even before you can give anything in charity. 374 Q. What are we commanded by the Seventh Commandment? A. By the Seventh Commandment we are commanded to give to all men what belongs to them and to respect their property. "Respect their property" that is, acknowledge and respect their rights to their property and do nothing to violate these rights.

Not till 1884 did it pass the half-million point. By 1889 it had passed the million point, it had then gained momentum. In 1892 the socialist vote of the world was 1,798,391; in 1893, 2,585,898; in 1895, 3,033,718; in 1898, 4,515,591; in 1902, 5,253,054; in 1903, 6,285,374; and in the year of our Lord 1905 it passed the seven-million mark.

Frejus is a cathedral city, though numbering only 3,500 inhabitants, but it is an ancient see, dating from about 374, when it was an important maritime place. Its fortunes had gone down in the Middle Ages, and the citizens and prelates were never in a position to build much of a cathedral. The present church is of the eleventh century, both small and plain.

[Footnote 374: On the troupes de la marine, Mémoire pour servir d'Instruction a MM. Jonquière et Bigot, 30 Avril, 1749. Ordres du Roy et Dépêches des Ministres, 1750. Ibid., 1755. Ibid., 1757. Instruction pour Vaudreuil, 22 Mars, 1755. Ordonnance pour l'Augmentation de Soldats dans les Compagnies de Canada, 14 Mars, 1755. Duquesne au Ministre, 26 Oct. 1753. Ibid., 30 Oct. 1753. Ibid., 29 Fév. 1754. Duquesne