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Nach., Bände xlvii., p. 1; xlviii., p. 1; xlix., p. 81. Pickering, Mem. Am. Astr. Pac. Brit. Astr. Bayer. Papers for the Amer. Some of the measures were made by Messrs. Astr. Pac. Astr. Pac. Astr. Pac. Not., vol. li., pp. 40, 97. Roy. Roy.

By this hand, then, by this Man's hand, the coals of the altar are disposed of, both to the lamps, the candlesticks, the censers, and the lips of ministers, according to his own good pleasure. And of all this were the tongs in the temple a type. XLVII. Of the altar of incense in the Temple.

And after his arrival in Egypt, Joseph said to Pharaoh "my father, and my brethren, and their flocks, and their herds and all that they have, are come." Gen. xlvii. 1. The servants doubtless, served under their own contracts, and when Jacob went into Egypt, they chose to stay in their own country.

XLVII. Those plants, which, like olives and figs, are grown in the nursery from cuttings and are of a tender nature, should be protected by sheds built of two planks fastened at each end: moreover they should be weeded, and this should be done while the weeds are still young, for after they have become dry they offer resistance, and more readily break off in your hand than yield to your pull.

XLVII. Caesar, having accomplished the object which he had in view, ordered the signal to be sounded for a retreat; and the soldiers of the tenth legion, by which he was then accompanied, halted.

At the end of February, the portions of S. D. Lee's corps which had joined Beauregard had 2502 present for duty, Cheatham's 4697, Stewart's 1694, Engineers 185; total, 9078. D. H. Hill to Hardee, Official Records, vol. xlvii. pt. ii. p. 1046; Do. to Iverson, pp. 1047, 1068; Beauregard to Lee, p. 1165; Davis to Hampton, 1207.

The transaction between Joseph and the Egyptians gives a clue to the meaning attached to "buy" and "bought with money." See Gen. xlvii. 18-26. The Egyptians proposed to Joseph to become servants, and that he should buy them.

As to the name and boundaries of Chaldæa, see also GUIGNAUT, La Chaldée et les Chaldéens, in the Encyclopédie Moderne, vol. viii. HERODOTUS, i. 106, 192; iii. 92. PLINY, Nat. Hist. vi. 26. STRABO, xvi. i. § 1. Genesis xi. 28 and 31; Isaiah xlvii. 1; xiii. 19, &c.; DIODORUS ii. 17; PLINY, Nat.

Letter XLVII. par. 6, and 39. This will be farther explained in Letter XXI. of this volume. * See Vol. I. Letters XXXI. and XXXIV. This, had I attempted, I should have certainly effected, by the help of the confraternity: and it would have been an action worthy of us all. But Joseph's conscience, as he called it, stood in my way; for he thought it must have been known to be done by his connivance.

Gen. xlv. 18, and xlvii. 6, 11, 27. Ex. xii. 4, 19, 22, 23, 27. The probable centre of that portion, occupied by the Israelites, could hardly, have been less than 60 miles from the city. From the best authorities it would seem that the extreme western boundary of Goshen must have been many miles distant from Egypt. These were houses, not tents.