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"Now, 'tis powerful dhry wurrk, bhoys, fightin' fire, an' may be Nobby well, I cannot account for ut otherwise him havin' th' nerve' tu du' fwhat he did onless p'raps 't'was just th' natch'ril tindher-hearthedness av th' man thryin' for tu comfort her.

Will yeh go wurrk for him? . . . Or be charged wid vagrancy?" The offer was accepted with alacrity. In the hobo's one uninjured optic shone a momentary gleam of intelligence, as he continued to stare at Gully, like a dog at its master. The gleam was reflected in a pair of shadowy, deep-set eyes, unblinking as an owl's. Gully arose and looked at Lee.

But if ye plaze, would ye be lookin' over these recommends av mine they're from furriners and if yez be havin' ony friends who be wanting a maid and yez might be so good as to recommind me, I'd be thankin' of yez, for it's wurrk I wants. Think av that now. Only wurrk! Who says there arn't honest servin' gurrls, nowadays?

It added to her sense of living in a deep cell of madness, fathoms below the rays of reason, that she had an illusion that in his eyes she saw just that same change from piteousness to loathing. For of course it could not be so. Her quivering lips said gallantly to the banged door: "Well, there is my wurrk. I will forget my petty pairsonal troubles in my wurrk, just as men do!"

We were surprised to find that the Old Squire's Scotch Gardener knew Miller's Gardener's Dictionary quite well. He said, "It's a gran' wurrk!" One day he wished he could see it, and smell the russia binding; he said he liked to feel a nice smell. Father was away, and we were by ourselves, so we invited him into the library.

But it's 'like masther, like mon. The b'ys all know that Misther Winton don't care a damn; and they'll not be hurtin' thimselves wid the wurrk." And the Rajah?

O'Brien waved her hands, very clean, not very shapely, and worn by many an honest day's toil, persuading and pleading for peace at once. "Sure," says she, "if you'd wurrk at fairs you'd know that you can't be doing things like you'd do them at home; and 'twas only for a minit they wiped the saucers with the paper napkins, clean tishy-paper napkins, Mrs.

"Beggin' yer pardon, Misther Daney an' not m'anin' the least offinse in life, but I know a lot about that young man yis, an' the young leddy, too that divil a sowl on earth knows or is goin' to find out." He tried a shot in the dark. "That was a clever bit o' wurrk gettin' her out o' Port Agnew "

He was certainly a clever little chap, performing all sorts of tricks, and being up to all sorts of mischief. "Begorrah," as Mick said, "he can do ivv'rythin' save spake; an' thet the artful joker won't do, faith, bekase he thinks, sure, we'll make him wurrk!"

"Say, Burke!" he continued in an awe-struck voice "this is like a leaf out of O'Brien's book, with a vengeance. You remember him, that cold-blooded devil who Pennycuik nailed up in the Yukon used to shoot 'em and shove their bodies under the ice?" Slavin nodded gloomily. "At Tagish, ye mane? Yeah! I 'member ut. Penny sure did some good wurrk on that case."