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"God send it, gal, for he's had a tougher, sartin. Three days, now, nater's bin tugging away for him; and I'd hate to see him die now, arter all; and being the colonel's recommind, too; for Isaac says the colonel injuncted him strongly to take car o' him; and I'd do any thing to oblege sech a man as him. He didn't appear to have his senses, I reckon?"

O'Bla. Then, fare ye well, father-in-law that's meat and drink to me: would not ye take a glass of wine then? Old McB. Not a drop not a drop at all with money about me: I must be in a hurry home. O'Bla. That's true so best: recommind me kindly to Miss Honor, and say a great dale about my impatience and I'll be expicting Phil, and won't shut up till he comes the night. O'Bla.

"I will be needin' an assistant sh'u'd th' prisidint promulgate any more worrds like thim," said Flannery; "and I w'u'd recommind he be Corbett or Sullivan or wan of th' other sluggers, for th' patrons av th' company be not all easy-goin' like Mr. Warold. But progress is th' worrd of th' day, and I stand for shorter worrds, no matter how much extry worrk they mek.

But if ye plaze, would ye be lookin' over these recommends av mine they're from furriners and if yez be havin' ony friends who be wanting a maid and yez might be so good as to recommind me, I'd be thankin' of yez, for it's wurrk I wants. Think av that now. Only wurrk! Who says there arn't honest servin' gurrls, nowadays?