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Coming at such a railroad speed, it was not long in passing the intervening space. It was yet several hundred yards distant, when Ethan Hopkins gave Mickey a ringing slap upon the shoulder. 'Jerusalem! who do ye s'pose naow, that man is sitting in the carriage and holding the reins? 'Worrah, worrah! why do you ax me, whin I'm so frightened entirely that I don't know who I am myself?

Mickey sprung a half dozen feet backward, and would have run off at full speed down the ravine, had not Ethan Hopkins caught his arm. 'What's the matter, Mickey, naow! Hain't you ever heard anything like a locomotive whistle? 'Worrah, worrah, now, but is that the way the crather blows its nose? It must have a beautiful voice when it shnores at night.

Finally Tim's terror passed away and he became comparatively quiet. "Worrah! worrah!" he exclaimed, panting from his severe exertions. "What a narra 'scape I had." "Did he really bite you?" "Bite me! Didn't ye see him fasten his teeth in me and hang on till I shuk him off?" "No; I didn't observe him." "Git out wid ye nonsense.

Jis' to think of their saaing four pair of legs dancing over their hids, not to spake of the dog that could come in by way of dessart." "O Tim! keep still, it is too dreadful!" "Worrah! it wasn't meself that introduced the subject, but as yez have got started, I've no objection to continue the same." "Let us try and talk about something more pleasant "

"We shall have to find shelter for ourselves. If much rain falls, this gorge looks to me as if it will be filled with water." "Worrah, now, but yez are a smart child!" exclaimed Tim O'Rooney, looking admiringly at the boy. "Scarcely mesilf would have thought of the same, and what a credit, therefore, that it should have come into your own." "I see nothing so wonderful about that.

They were quite uneasy, and to prevent their trail revealing them they dropped a few hundred yards down the shore, where they awaited the coming of darkness. "Worrah! worrah!" said Tim with an immense sigh, "this is a bad day when we came to leave the youngster with the rid gintleman. A fine youngster was the same bowld and presumin'. It's a qua'ar failin', Masther Howard, that comes to me."

A man when suddenly cast into the water for the first time has been known to swim long and well; and the Irishman, by the most furious effort, had saved himself from strangling and sinking, although he had swallowed a good deal of the nauseating sea-water, and was now ejecting it. "Worrah! I took an overdose that time, and it wouldn't sthay on my stomach!" he said.

"The spalpeens!" he exclaimed wrath-fully. "They niver had a better friend than Mr. Starr, and that's the shtyle in which they pays him for the same. Worrah, worrah, but it's too bad!" Riding cautiously to the top of the next elevation, the young rancher saw other sights which filled him with greater indignation and resentment.

The Indian stood as motionless as a statue, and finally the Irishman drew a deep sigh. "I wonder whether the bullet has reached him yet?" "Reached him!" laughed Howard. "I saw it clip off a piece of rock fully forty feet from him." "Worrah, worrah! but I've ate so much dinner I can't howld the gun stiddy." "I saw it vibrate "

"But don't we make 'em run!" called out Tim, glancing over his shoulder. "Them fellers was made to travel, and if they'd only throw down their guns and take up a sprig of the shillaleh, like an ilegant gintleman should do, I wouldn't ax better fun than to jine in wid 'em and tach 'em a few scientific tricks, such as can be got in Tipperary and nowhere ilse Worrah!