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Had she noticed that August Wehle, who was "breaking up" her father's north field, was just plowing down the west side of his land? If she hastened, she might reach the cross-fence as he came round to it, and while he was yet hidden from the sight of the house by the turn of the hill. And would not a few words from August Wehle be pleasant to her ears after her mother's sharp depreciation?

And the said riotous conduct was the result of a conspiracy, and the said assault with intent to kill was with malice aforethought. The said eight men, after having committed grievous outrages upon him by dipping him in the water and by other means, warned the said Wehle not to return to the State.

The candle in Humphreys's room threw its light full on August's face, there was no escape from recognition, and Wehle was too proud to retreat. He shut the door of Julia's room and stood with back against the wall staring at Humphreys, who did not forget to smile in his most aggravating way. "Thief! thief!" called Humphreys. In a moment Mrs. Anderson and Julia ran up the stairs, followed by Mr.

I thought you loved Gus Wehle, and though I'm afeard you're makin' a idol out o' him, and though I'm afeard he's a onbeliever, and I don't noways like marryin' with onbelievers, yet I did want to help you, and I brought a note from him wunst and put it under the head of your bed.

And as for the sale of Samuel Anderson's farms, that did not disturb him. Like almost everybody else at that time, August Wehle was strongly impressed by the assertions of the Millerites, and if the world should be finished in the next month, the farms were of no consequence.

For all she said was: "You got a right smart lot of eggs, didn't you? The hens is beginnin' to lay more peart since the warm spell sot in." "Vot you kits doornt off vor? Hey?" Gottlieb Wehle always spoke English, or what he called English, when he was angry. "Vot for? Hey?"

I shan't git skeered at no tin-horns, and as for papaw whistles, why, I say Jericho wouldn't a-tumbled for no sech music, and they won't fetch down no stars that air way." Here old Gottlieb Wehle, who had just joined the Millerites, came up. "Yonas, you mags shport of de Piple.

She demanded that August Wehle should be paid off and discharged. And when Anderson had hesitated, because he feared he could not get another so good a hand, and for other reasons, she burst out into the declaration: "I don't believe that you'd care a cent if she did marry a Dutchman! She might as well as to marry some white folks I know."

The older Wehle presently resumed his English, such as it was, as better adapted to scolding. Whether he thought to make his children love German by abusing them in English, I do not know, but it was his habit. "I dells you tese Yangees is Yangees. Dere neber voz put shust von cood vor zompin. Antrew Antershon is von.

Then Bill Day was suddenly impressed with the fact that the duty of persuading Mrs. Wehle to consent to her husband's execution devolved upon him. "Take keer, boys; let me talk to the ole woman. I'll argy the case." "You can't speak Dutch no more nor a hoss can," squeaked Jeems West. "Blam'd ef I can't, though. Hyer, ole woman, firshta Dutch?" "Ya."