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I shan't git skeered at no tin-horns, and as for papaw whistles, why, I say Jericho wouldn't a-tumbled for no sech music, and they won't fetch down no stars that air way." Here old Gottlieb Wehle, who had just joined the Millerites, came up. "Yonas, you mags shport of de Piple.

"Dat he was not to be hurt by mortal man, mynheer. I can take mine piple oath of it," replied the corporal. "Damnation!" cried Vanslyperken; "but stop mortal man perhaps he may be hurt by woman." "Dat is quite anoder ting, mynheer." "He shan't escape if I can help it," retorted Vanslyperken. "I must think about it."

"Ah, my poy! where ta light kets in, ta tarkness will pe ketting in too. Tis now, your whole pody will pe full of tarkness, as ta piple will say, and Tuncan's pody tat will pe full of ta light." Then with suddenly changed tone he said "Listen, Malcolm, my son! She 'll pe fery uneasy till you 'll wass pe come home." "What's the maitter noo, daddy?" returned Malcolm.

Here is the "Dreacle Piple," berfect, from tidel page to the last line of Revelations. Here is efery blay-pill that has ever been issued at Her Majesty's Theatre from the time it vas opened until now. He patted and fondled his treasure with a smiling pride and affection. Nopoty stobs in my house a minute who touches my books.

"Ah, my poy! where ta light kets in, ta tarkness will pe ketting in too. This now, your whole pody will pe full of tarkness, as ta Piple will say, and Tuncan's pody tat will pe full of ta light." Then with suddenly changed tone he said, "Listen, Malcolm, my son! Shell pe ferry uneasy till you'll wass pe come home." "What's the maitter noo, daddy?" returned Malcolm.

"Dat he was not to be hurt by mortal man, mynheer. I can take mine piple oath of it," replied the corporal. "Damnation!" cried Vanslyperken; "but stop mortal man perhaps he may be hurt by woman." "Dat is quite anoder ting, mynheer." "He shan't escape if I can help it," retorted Vanslyperken. "I must think about it."