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And in such States having a free political, military, and commercial life, uncramped by ecclesiastic or feudal influence, in them alone could the great revival of human intelligence and character thoroughly succeed. The commune was the only species of free government possible during the Middle Ages, the only form which could resist that utterly prostrating action of later mediævalism.

So she looked at her own pretty feet, pretty and slender, and arched, rosy, and fair, and uncramped by the pressure of leather, and resigned her day-dream with a brave heart, as she put up her broom and went out to weed, and hoe, and trim, and prune the garden that had been for once neglected the night before.

It is frankly offensive in its character, and its young juices deadly as any hellebore that ever grew. Like most mountain herbs it has an uncanny haste to bloom. One hears by night, when all the wood is still, the crepitatious rustle of the unfolding leaves and the pushing flower-stalk within, that has open blossoms before it has fairly uncramped from the sheath.

Basnett, giving his days to commerce and his spare time to social reform, would long carry about him any trace of his possibilities of completeness; but, for the moment, in his youth and ardor, still speculative, still uncramped, one might imagine him the citizen of a nobler state than ours.

Willets sat, serene in its space and solitude, unhurried, uncramped, sprawling over a stretch of grass level a dingy, dirty, inglorious Willets, shamed by its fringe of tin cans, empty bottles, and other refuse and by the clean sweep of sand and sage and grass that stretched to its very doors. For Willets was man-made.

But one could not help pitying them, when one thought how their more fortunate companions with their uncramped roots were exploring underground passages and enjoying all the freedom and moisture of the rich soil. "During the fall and winter we are very busy in a different way," said Thomas Devoy, as he displayed his treasures.

It is frankly offensive in its character, and its young juices deadly as any hellebore that ever grew. Like most mountain herbs, it has an uncanny haste to bloom. One hears by night, when all the wood is still, the crepitatious rustle of the unfolding leaves and the pushing flower-stalk within, that has open blossoms before it has fairly uncramped from the sheath.

'Well, sir, returned Mr Wegg, with a conscious inclination of the head; 'we'll say literary, then. "A literary man WITH a wooden leg and all Print is open to him!" That's what I thought to myself, that morning, pursued Mr Boffin, leaning forward to describe, uncramped by the clotheshorse, as large an arc as his right arm could make; "all Print is open to him!" And it is, ain't it?

But the West is equally fruitful in incidents which furnish material, and only lack the poet or novelist to work them up into enduring form. The western country seems naturally fitted in many ways for love and romance. In that region the mind is uncramped and unfettered by the excessive schooling and over-training which prevails in the older settlements of the East.

There his genius is fresh, vigorous, natural uncramped by restraints, undeformed by excrescences, uninterrupted by crotchets, such as injured its aftergrowth the swaddling-clothes of its second childhood.