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The undefined notions of liberty imbibed from poets and historians, fade away my reverence for names long consecrated in our annals abates and the sole object of my political attachment is the English constitution, as tried by time and undeformed by the experiments of visionaries and impostors.

Tara of Helium removed the scarf from about her and handed it to the slave. Slowly she descended the steps to the water, the temperature of which she tested with a symmetrical foot, undeformed by tight shoes and high heels a lovely foot, as God intended that feet should be and seldom are. Finding the water to her liking, the girl swam leisurely to and fro about the pool.

Now, Sandy had acquired the moccasin habit in childhood and retained it. It was rarely that he wore boots around the ranch. Farwell, looking at the new moccasins, which were handsomely embroidered with silk thread, noted the straight inner line of the foot, from toe to heel. It was like the foot of an aborigine; undeformed, undeflected from nature's lines by fashionable footgear.

The sexual selection you allude to will also, I think, have been equally uncertain in its results. In the very lowest tribes there is rarely much polygamy, and women are more or less a matter of purchase. There is also little difference of social condition, and I think it rarely happens that any healthy and undeformed man remains without wife and children.

The undefined notions of liberty imbibed from poets and historians, fade away my reverence for names long consecrated in our annals abates and the sole object of my political attachment is the English constitution, as tried by time and undeformed by the experiments of visionaries and impostors.

That other termination of tar, as in ebuntar, carantar, I suppose to be the sign of the infinitive. Depend upon it that this language is one of absolute regularity, undeformed by the results of human folly and sorrow, and as perfect as a crystal." "But not as clear," I observed, "at least, not to our apprehension. Well, how was this extraordinary revelation received by the audience?"

She prattled on at random, sometimes naive, sometimes wistful, sometimes faintly humourous a brave, clean spirit that was content to take the consequence of duty done a tender, gentle soul, undeformed amid the sordid horrors that hardened or crippled souls less innocent.

An ingenuousness, undeformed by bad training, increased the charm of his natural beauty.

Her figure was tall, yet not too tall; comely and well-developed, yet not fat; her head set on her shoulders with an easy, pliant firmness; her waist, perfection in the eyes of a man, for it occupied its natural place, it filled out its natural circle, it was visibly and delightfully undeformed by stays.

Man, then, as a part of this nature, is pervaded by God. And here, as elsewhere, he has shown his presence in the surprising Beauty in which he has made his creatures. Yes, man is beautiful; the natural man, undeformed by abuses, is an object of Beauty. We speak of man in the generic sense, as including women also. Woman, by common consent, we regard as the most perfect type of Beauty on earth.