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He tried if MacVittie & Co. wad gie him siller on them that I ken by Andro Wylie but they were ower auld cats to draw that strae afore them they keepit aff, and gae fair words. Rashleigh Osbaldistone is better ken'd than trusted in Glasgow, for he was here about some jacobitical papistical troking in seventeen hundred and seven, and left debt ahint him.

Shak was not the man to do all the troking, bargaining, lying, going here and there, and making himself a motley to the view for 0 pounds, 0s, 0d. If he were a sham, a figure-head, a liar, a fetcher-and-carrier of manuscripts, HE WOULD BE PAID FOR IT. But he did not deal with Henslowe in his bargainings, and THAT is why Henslowe does not mention him. Mr. "I think the answer is simple enough."

And the Laird was three years married without having a family; and he was sae left to himsell, that it was thought he held ower muckle troking and communing wi' that Meg Merrilies, wha was the maist notorious witch in a' Galloway and Dumfries-shire baith. 'Aweel, I wot there's something in that, said Mrs. Mac-Candlish; 'I've kenn'd him order her twa glasses o' brandy in this very house.

I have no idea whatever of your going troking across a continent on a wild-goose chase. In this situation, which I am fortunately able to place at your disposal, and which many a well-conducted young man would be glad to jump at, you will receive, to begin with, eighteen shillings a week." "Eighteen shillings a week!" I cried. "Why, my poor friend gave me more than that for nothing!"

And the Laird was three years married without having a family; and he was sae left to himsell, that it was thought he held ower muckle troking and communing wi' that Meg Merrilies, wha was the maist notorious witch in a' Galloway and Dumfries-shire baith. 'Aweel, I wot there's something in that, said Mrs. Mac-Candlish; 'I've kenn'd him order her twa glasses o' brandy in this very house.

I have no idea whatever of your going troking across a continent on a wild-goose chase. In this situation, which I am fortunately able to place at your disposal, and which many a well-conducted young man would be glad to jump at, you will receive, to begin with, eighteen shillings a week." "Eighteen shillings a week!" I cried. "Why, my poor friend gave me more than that for nothing!"

And the Laird was three years married without having a family; and he was sae left to himsell, that it was thought he held ower muckle troking and communing wi' that Meg Merrilies, wha was the maist notorious witch in a' Galloway and Dumfries-shire baith. 'Aweel, I wot there's something in that, said Mrs. Mac-Candlish; 'I've kenn'd him order her twa glasses o' brandy in this very house.

He tried if MacVittie & Co. wad gie him siller on them that I ken by Andro Wylie but they were ower auld cats to draw that strae afore them they keepit aff, and gae fair words. Rashleigh Osbaldistone is better ken'd than trusted in Glasgow, for he was here about some jacobitical papistical troking in seventeen hundred and seven, and left debt ahint him.