United States or Barbados ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Saying which, he resumed his greasing operations. Of course Captain Roy made no objection to his son's proposal, though he freely gave his opinion that it was a wild-goose chase.

The girl began to feel that she had come far enough in what appeared to be a wild-goose chase. Then suddenly, quite amazingly, she was halted. She plunged around a sharp turn in the ravine, trying to step on the dryer places, and found herself confronted by a man standing under the shelter of a wide-armed spruce. "Oh!" gasped Ruth, starting back.

"She cares for me she has said it, she has shown it. But then why does she send me on this egregious wild-goose chase? She cares for me. But then why does n't she arrange to give me a minute alone with her to-night?" In the end, well, was it Adrian, or was it Miss Sandus, whom he had to thank for their minute alone? "Why does nobody say, 'Dear kind Mr.

I should consider Mr. Barnes very fortunate if you could make up your mind to aid him in his search." "It is not my affair," Wrayson answered stiffly. "I could not possibly pledge myself to enter upon such a wild-goose chase." Mr. Bentham turned over some papers which lay upon the table before him. He had apparently had enough of the conversation. "You must not call it exactly that, Mr.

"Don't think I need worry such a small witness," he said. "No, I'll just move on, Mr. Linton. I'm beginning to think I'm on a wild-goose chase." The days went by, but no further word of the Winfield murderer came to the anxious ears of the little girl at Billabong homestead.

"I suppose, Haldane," he said somewhat sternly, "you want to get me back to that infernal ship again? Not if I know it, my lad. As you told Mr O'Neil just now, we've all had enough and to spare of that vessel and the wild-goose chase she has led us from first to last. I won't hear another word about her, by Jingo!"

"Yes his Mother Earth has been good to him," muttered the whimsical voice. "Very good! Yet yet such are earth-sons that he'd turn his back on her to-morrow go off on a wild-goose chase after some other world even a dead one if only that moon-storming Thunder Bird " "What!

"And where am I to find these superlative champions," said the English knight, "whose blood runs more pure than that of Piercie Shafton?" "Here is a flight for you, my lord!" said Murray. "As ever was flown by a wild-goose," said Stawarth Bolton, who had now approached to the front of the party. "Who dared to say that word?" said the Euphuist, his face crimson with rage.

She inquired from an official what that steamer might be, and was told that it was the eight o'clock from Dover, which had broken down, put into Calais for some slight necessary repairs, and was arriving at its destination nearly four hours late. Her mercurial spirits rose again. A minute ago she was regarding herself as no better than a ninny engaged in a wild-goose chase.

Reaching the first town belonging to the belligerents she found it so silent and dark that she began to imagine the chief was right, and she had come on a wild-goose chase. She crept quietly up to the house of an old freewoman whose granddaughter had once lived with her: there was a cautious movement within and a whispered, "Who's there?"