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I was makin' up my mind to sneak away without seein' any o' the glad band those Frisco fellers are terrors when they take a fancy to ya I mean the thoroughbreds, the toppy lad with rolls 'at a ten-year-old boy couldn't up-end without strainin' himself.

"Oh, he don't bite," she added, as the two lady passengers fluttered into a corner. "Does he, old Toppy?" "I tell you what, boys," continued Miggles after she had fed and closed the door on URSA MINOR, "you were in big luck that Joaquin wasn't hanging round when you dropped in tonight." "Where was he?" asked the Judge. "With me," said Miggles.

"My aunt keeps one. And she's got a vacancy, it being summer." "I'm afraid it'd be too expensive for me," said Susan, to feel her way. The young man was much flattered. But he said, "Oh, it ain't so toppy. I think you could make a deal with her for five per." Susan looked inquiring. "Five a week room and board." "I might stand that," said Susan reflectively.

It took over an hour of dusty work to make the division, but when it was finished I had a remuda of a hundred and fifty-two saddle horses that would make a man willing to work for his board and the privilege of riding them. Turning out of the corrals, Priest and I accompanied the horses out on the prairie where our toppy ones were being grazed.

"Well, you needn't get het up about it," said he; "I hain't to blame no matter whose daughter she wasn't. She can travel with me any time she wants to. Kind of a toppy, fast-goin', tricky little rip, with a sorrel mane." "I don't understand it," said I. "Did you notice his wife whether she seemed to be feeling well?" "Looked bad," said he.

Felix debated whether he should oppose his body to their bodies, his tongue to theirs, or whether he should avert his consciousness and hurry on; but, that instinct which moved him to wear the gray top hat prevailing, he did neither, and stood instead, looking at them in silent anger, which quickly provoked endearments such as: "Take it off," or "Keep it on," or "What cheer, Toppy!" but nothing more acute.

He was called one of the lightest, but headiest quarterbacks in the East. No gridiron idol ever escaped his "Jimmy," or "Toppy," or "Pop," or "Johnny." When finally, he hung out his shingle in Chicago: "Robertson R. Rigby, Attorney-at-Law," he lost his identity even among his classmates.

First a fellow saw him talking to a figure that stole away toward the German line. This fellow told his top sergeant, and toppy told his captain. They waited and watched. Three men saw the same thing happen. They were going to have the blamed traitor up before the brass hats when all of a sudden he disappeared." "Who disappeared?" gasped Ruth Fielding.

The man on the road who doesn't appreciate and care for a faithful customer is not much of a man, anyway. My old customer, Logan, had a little trouble with his main clerk. The clerk, Fred, got it into his head that the business belonged to him, and he tried to run it. But Logan wouldn't stand for this sort of work and "called him down." The clerk became "toppy" and Logan discharged him.

Each chick, on emerging from its shell, was registered, and an account kept of its subsequent life and adventures. Now, could Toppy, who had only three Brahma eggs, and hatched out four of that breed, have exchanged eggs with her sister, thus making it possible for her to hatch out six common chickens, when she only had five eggs of that kind?