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Bison, yo' bwead is deztyned to be the bwead; and I tell you how 'tis with me, I juz gladly eat yo' bwead eve'y time I kin git it! Mr. Bison, in fact you don't know me ve'y intimitly, but you will oblige me ve'y much indeed to baw me five dollahs till tomaw save me fum d'awing a check!" The German thrust his hand slowly and deeply into his pocket.

"Thaz the way, sometime," he said, and then with sudden gravity: "And, by-the-by, Misses Wiley, speakin' of Mistoo Itchlin, if you could baw' me two dollahs an' a 'alf juz till tomaw mawnin till I kin sen' it you fum the office Because that money I've got faw Mistoo Itchlin is in the shape of a check, and anyhow I'm c'owding me a little to pay that whole sum-total to Mistoo Itchlin.

Me, the h-only thing I don' ligue those epaulette'. So soon ev'ybody see that on me, 'tis 'Lieut'nan'! in thiz place, an' 'Lieut'nan'! in that place. My de'seh, you'd thing I'm a majo'-gen'l, in fact. Well, of co'se, I don' ligue that." "And so you're a lieutenant?" "Third! Of the Chasseurs-á-Pied! Coon he'p 't, in fact; the fellehs elected me. Goin' at Pensacola tomaw. Dr.

I kin sen' it you firs' thing my bank open tomaw mawnin." Do you think he didn't get it? "What has it got down to now?" John asked again, a few mornings after Narcisse's last visit. Mary told him. He stepped a little way aside, averting his face, dropped his forehead into his hand, and returned. "I don't see I don't see, Mary I"