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Richlun," still addressing the Doctor as though he were his book-keeper, "'I yoost layin, on my pett effra nighdt effra nighdt, vi-i-ite ava-a-ake! undt in apowdt a veek I make udt owdt ut layst tot you, Mr. Richlun, I lookt um shtraight in te eye, undt he lookt me shtraight te same, 'tot, Mr. Richlun, you, sayss I, 'not dtose fellehs fot pin py mo sindts more ass fife yearss, put you, Mr.

"She's an awful man-killeh; repo'ted engaged to five fellehs at once, Jeff-Jack included. I don't know whether it's true or not, but you know how ow Dixie gyirls ah, seh. An' yet, seh, when they marry, as they all do, where'll you find mo' devoted wives? This ain't the lan' o' divo'ces, seh; this is the lan' o' loose engagements an' tight marriages.

March, ef you knowed how much patri'tism I got! You hear them Suez fellehs say this is a white man's country an' cayn't eveh be a rich man's country till it is a white man's " "See here, now; I tell you for the last time, if you value your life you'd better make less noise." "Yass, seh. Lawd, I cayn't talk; I'm that thusty I'm a-spitt'n' cotton! No, seh!

Me, the h-only thing I don' ligue those epaulette'. So soon ev'ybody see that on me, 'tis 'Lieut'nan'! in thiz place, an' 'Lieut'nan'! in that place. My de'seh, you'd thing I'm a majo'-gen'l, in fact. Well, of co'se, I don' ligue that." "And so you're a lieutenant?" "Third! Of the Chasseurs-á-Pied! Coon he'p 't, in fact; the fellehs elected me. Goin' at Pensacola tomaw. Dr.