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And you?" "Dana Manfredi, thakur-na to Richard Jason. He's all right?" "Unconscious, but not hurt." "Good." Dana sighed, relief letting her outraged body take over; she passed out. The time Dana spent unconscious was less peaceful than it should have been.

And the ship's largest contingent was from Leras. Knowing both Sandemans and the unconditional nature of the personal fealty oath, he found it hard to believe his pursuer's identity. What had gone wrong, to turn a Sandeman warrior from thakur-na to renegade assassin? Or . . . had anything?

The strength of that conviction would have made it easy for him to kneel to her and offer his personal fealty, but he wasn't sure he was the one who should do it. He was young and inexperienced, barely seven months out of the Academy; her thakur-na should be a veteran, with at least a few missions to his credit. Later, he might be qualified but by then she might have another thakur-na.

It is the least I can do after setting Nevan on your trail.* *I will, sir, and thank you.* *Before I break contact, thakur-na, is there anything further you need?* *Not really, Thakur if you don't have anything else for me, I'll offer Major Owajima a ride back to Terra.* *That will be fine. Enjoy the trip I must endure this reception for Duke Shirley. Until your return, thakur-na.*

*Also, unlike most Sandemans,* came Owajima's amused thought, *I was eager for Talent training. We both know it is impossible to lie, mind-to-mind, so: you are still thakur-na to Ranger Losinj and on a mission for her?*

If you wish to speak to her alone, I can monitor from outside." "You needn't bother, Nurse," Jason said, putting down the tape-viewer and standing to look down at Dana, his expression mildly regretful. "It's too bad we had to be rescued early, thakur-na. I did try to give you a heroic death; sorry it didn't work out." "Thakur?"

He had done all he could here, in the Records Section; he lowered his mind-shield and reached out. *Thakur?* Her answer was prompt, and he smiled to himself, enjoying the cool clarity of her mind-touch. *What results, thakur-na?* she asked. *About what we expected.

In a brief meeting before Medart and Losinj left for Irschcha, Nevan asked Medart's advice on how best to prepare himself should Ranger Losinj accept his personal fealty once he felt he had enough experience to be a suitable thakur-na.

*I am, though the mission is partly for her, partly for myself,* Nevan confirmed. *Stay linked while I report; she'll want to commend you personally.* He sensed Owajima's agreement, and reached for his chosen lady. *Thakur?* *Here, thakur-na,* was the immediate response then Nevan shared her amusement as she 'felt' his bonds. *You are satisfied with security, then.*

The flight also gave her time, and energine gave her strength, to think back on the attack and Jason's dismissal of her. She still didn't want to believe that the man she'd chosen to devote her life to had set her up for such a painful, degrading death, even to give her the illusion of dying for the best reason a thakur-na could have.