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"Say, this 'ere letter kind o' teches my feelin's does sart'in," said Solomon. "I'm goin' to see what kin be done." Unknown to Jack, within three days Solomon had a private talk with the Commander-in-Chief at his headquarters. The latter had a high regard for the old scout.

You must take them back again." "Debil burn my poor, ole, black fingers if I teches of 'em to bring 'em home again! S'posin' de poor dear gal is gone home? aint you lef wid a mouf of your own to feed, I wonder? Tell me dat?" sobbed the old woman. "But, Dinah, I feel as if I should never eat again, and certainly I shall not care what I eat.

"Better slip back there and tie him, and land the ship," he says. I says: "No, sir! Don' you budge, Tom Sawyer." And Jim well, Jim was kind o' gasping, he was so scared. He says: "Oh, Mars Tom, DON'T! Ef you teches him, we's gone we's gone sho'! I ain't gwine anear him, not for nothin' in dis worl'. Mars Tom, he's plumb crazy." Tom whispers and says "That's WHY we've got to do something.

"'Scuse me, Ralph, no reflections on your fambly, but hit kind o' teches my feelin's to see you fired in this shape, long o' your actin' the gentleman with me. Where be you goin'?" "Somewhere's down below; I don't know exactly where." "Got any money?" "A little. I'm going to hunt work; then I'll soon make more. I sha'n't stay in the mountains."

I've own' de ole house fer twenty yeahs or mo' now, suh, an' we've b'en mighty comfo'table in it, suh. They is a spaciousness, an' a air of elegant sufficiency about the environs and the equipments of the ed'fice, suh, that does credit to the tas'e of the old aristocracy an' of you-all's family, an' teches me in a sof' spot.

Some one had picked it deftly out of Corey's hand during the scuffle, and now passed it up to Hose. "Here, Frenchy, take yer long-necked, pot-bellied music-gourd. And I want you boys to understand, ef any one teches that fiddle ag'in, I'll knock hell out 'n him." So the recording angel dropped another tear upon the record of Hosea Ransom, and the books were closed for the night.

"This is becomin' pow'ful w'arin' to the nerves, Henry," said the shiftless one. "I'd ruther hev a clean fight with a half-dozen warriors than be follered this way. It teches my pride. I've got a mighty lot o' pride, an' it hurts me awful to hev my pride hurt." "Because we don't shoot or do anything I think they've assumed that we're powerless to fight.

"Though," she added, "I guess ye won't need my helpin for Cap'n Hamlin 'll see nobuddy teches ye cept hisself." "Is he here?" gasped Desire, her dismay suddenly magnified into utter panic. "Fer sartain, my sweetheart ez sent me word 's under him," replied Keziah. A noise of voices and tramp of feet at the outside door interrupted her. The marauders had come.

The tomfool men make an' break it. Ennybody ez hev seen this war air obleeged to take note o' the wickedness o' men in gineral. This hyer man air a sorter pitiful sinner, an' he hev got a look in his eyes that plumb teches my heart. I 'ain't got no call ter know nuthin' 'bout the law, bein' a 'oman an' naterally ignorant. I dun'no' ez he hev run agin it."

It'll take some skittish steerin', fur ef the old raft jest teches the rocks she'll go all to slivers. "'Right you be! sez I. An' we braced up. "Now, ez we soon seen, old 'Ductic was jest a-rearin'. The big raft shivered like a skeered filly ez she ketched the first nip of them cross-currents, an' she commenced ter bulge an' sag like a nonsense.