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We sailors are dirty beasts; you know; we do our business into china and eat our butter out of the tarbucket; all the same, we I tell you, I should have left the thing alone and used the money to have made a jolly night of it to-night...." He was suddenly silent; he chewed at his quid as though inwardly considering his difficult philosophy.

Lacy come to lend a hand, and the supercargo and steward will be with you in a minute. Now I'm going below for a minute to tell the ladies, and mix you a bucket of grog. Shake her up, you, Tom Tarbucket, my bully boy with a glass eye! Shake her up, and when she sucks dry, I'll stand a sovereign all round."

The willing crew answered him with a cheer, and Tom Tarbucket, a square-built, merry faced native of Savage Island, who was stripped to the waist, shouted out, amid the laughter of his shipmates "Ay, ay, capt'in, we soon make pump suck dry if two Miss de Boos girl come." Robertson laughed in response, and then picking up a wooden bucket from under the fife rail, clattered down the companion way.

We sailors are dirty beasts; you know; we do our business into china and eat our butter out of the tarbucket; all the same, we I tell you, I should have left the thing alone and used the money to have made a jolly night of it to-night...." He was suddenly silent; he chewed at his quid as though inwardly considering his difficult philosophy.