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The carriage with you and your friends is borne at railway speed across continents. You can hurl yourself at sixty miles an hour along the great highroads, you can crawl like a worm through the traffic of cities." By the time Jack had finished this harangue we had climbed the hill out of Rouen and were on the fine but accidenté highroad that leads past Boos and Pont St. Pierre.

Among the absentees compelled to contribute to the expedition accompanying the Prince, are mentioned Maria, Countess of Norfolk, Agnes, Countess of Pembroke, Margery de Boos, Anna le Despenser, and other noble ladies, who, by a strange recurrence, represented in this age the five co-heiresses of the first Earl Marshal, granddaughters of Eva McMurrogh.

Steward, call the ladies. We can no longer disguise from them, Mr. Lacy, that we are in a bad way as bad a way as I have ever been in during my thirty years at sea." In a couple of minutes the two De Boos girls, Miss Weidermann, and the native girl Mina, came out of their cabins; and when the steward said that Mrs.

Boos and hisses from every part of the hall greeted this statement; but Susan, trained on the antislavery platform to hold her ground whatever the tumult, waited patiently until this protest subsided, standing before the defiant audience, poised and unafraid. Then, in a clear steady voice, she repeated her challenging words.

You wait till you git your knees pushed under the mahogany and the head waiter scatters the glasses around your plate, and you lamp the dames " He stopped abruptly, his jaw going slack with dismay. "Only we ain't got the scenery for no such place as the Frolic," he mourned. "Lookin' the way we do, we'd be eyed suspicious if we went to grab a tray in Boos Brothers!

Nevertheless, Susan who was presiding held her ground until lights were brought in and she could dimly see the milling crowd. In small towns they were listened to with only occasional catcalls and boos of disapproval, but in every city from Buffalo to Albany the mobs broke up their meetings.

'You men, she went on, 'got up riots in the streets real riots where people lost their lives. It may have to come to that with us. But the Government may as well know that if women's political freedom has to be bought with blood, we can pay that price, too. Above a volley of boos and groans she went on, 'But we are opposed to violence, and it will be our last resort.

The assemblage, roused now, jolly and merciless, was not disposed to give quarter; and his obtuseness in dawdling over such high-flown notions as that population, not property, formed the basis of representative government, reaped him a harvest of boos and groans. This was not what the diggers had come out to hear. And they were as direct as children in their demand for the gist of the matter.

To those who might be tempted to imitate them or defend them this is a sufficient lesson. Subject to the boos, hisses and insults from the hags lining the streets, the seventy-three are conducted to the prisoners' room in the town hall. This, already full, is where they pass the night standing on benches, scarcely able to breathe.

"I can quit my job to-morrow, and tell my boss to go to hell." There were boos and cat-calls, but at last the man on the platform made himself heard. "And what will you do, my friend, after you have quit your job?" he asked, quite courteously. "Get another one," said Dave, without scenting the trap. "There's lots of jobs." "That is, you would get another master," said the Socialist.