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He was seeking to redeem the reputation of a horse-stealing father if I remember right 'He was a friend of Stuermer, Niki, not a friend to you, interrupted the ex-Empress... 'You are right, darling, returned the 'prisoner, 'quite right, I know.... 'What kind of a mountebank was RASPUTIN? I asked to feel my 'prisoner' out.... 'He was a worthless rasputnik at best, the fallen Emperor answered.... And you think the Jews are responsible for your reported attachment to him? I asked.... 'Undoubtedly, he said bitterly with a sigh of resignation.... 'When we were being taken to the boat at Tobolsk did they not make faces at me and Alice and flout me with their cries: "Take him to the Criminal Court and let him read the record of his libertine, Rasputin!

Sazonov, the Foreign Minister, had been dismissed in August, and Stuermer became Prime Minister. A fierce indictment of his conduct by Miliukov in the Duma led to his retirement in November, and an honest Conservative, Trepov, succeeded.

The generation, however, of the "Stuermer und Draenger," or, as they were pleased to denominate themselves, the "original geniuses," looked up to Herder as their leader and prophet. Some of them turned from him later on and went back to the exclusive worship of classical antiquity; but their very manner of doing homage to it bore witness to Herder's influence.

The story was denied in the interests of those Powers, and an alternative tale was told of a sinister plot, engineered by the Russian Prime Minister, Stuermer, by which Rumania was lured into the war in order that her defeat might pave the way for her partition between the Hapsburg and Russian Empires, Wallachia going to the one and Moldavia to the other.

But Stuermer retained his power at Court as Imperial Chamberlain, and a renegade from the Liberal party, Protopopov, was introduced into the Ministry and exercised therein a growing and sinister influence.