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Bell could not, for she was but the servant, and T'nowhead knew that the kick his wife had given him meant that he was not to do so either. Sanders whistled to show that he was not uncomfortable. "Ay, then, I'll be stappin' ower the brae," he said at last. He did not go, however.

There he was wi' a hunder laddies roond him, smokin' his pipe like's he was gettin' his denner ooten't, ane o' his airms up to the elba in his breeks' pooch, stappin' oot to the musik like a fechtin' cock, an' his ither airm sweengin' back an' forrit like the pendilum o' the toon's clock.

Lat's hear ye gie them a gude screed on the topiks of the day." Sandy gae a bit hauch, an' swallowed a spittal, an' stappin' forrit a bittie, began "Mester Chairman " He gae Pottie a glower that nearhand knokit him aff the box he was sittin' on. "Mester Chairman," says he, "we are gaithered thegither to meet wan anither as fella ratepayers. If you want a tip-top cooncillor, I'm your man.

Bell could not, for she was but the servant, and T'nowhead knew that the kick his wife had given him meant that he was not to do so either. Sanders whistled to show that he was not uncomfortable. "Ay, then, I'll be stappin' ower the brae," he said at last. He did not go, however.

Bell could not, for she was but the servant, and T'nowhead knew that the kick his wife had given him meant that he was not to do so, either. Sanders whistled to show that he was not uncomfortable. "Ay, then, I'll be stappin' ower the brae," he said at last. He did not go, however.

She'd swear at Dicky a' the time she was stappin' her piece into him. It was jist her wye, an' I think she couldna help it." "Oh, ay, Mag's bark is waur then her bite. I ken that," was the reply. "An' wi' a' her fauts a body canna help likin' her." "Speakin' of Mysie," said Robert with caution, "I hinna seen her owre for a while surely.

"When I gaed up the stair wi' a licht, what did I see but my Auntie Leeb's braw lookin'-gless a' to flinders i' the flure? The licht o' the can'le had burned up against it, an' riven't a' to pieces. When I turned roond, here's Sandy stappin' ooten his kilt, an' gaen awa' to pet on his troosers.