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She crept up into Cecily's room one day, and found that she knew all about it, and was as kind and sympathizing as she could be when a vocation had been given up, though no vows had been taken. She did not quite understand it, but she would take it on trust. O ye, wha are sae guid yourself, Sae pious and sae holy, Ye've naught to do but mark and tell Your neebour's fauts and folly.

"Mistress Kelpie here 's e'en ower ready to confess her fauts, an' that by giein' a taste o' them; she winna bide to be speired; but for haudin' aff o' them efter the bargain's made ye ken she's no even responsible for the bargain. An' gien ye expec' me to haud my tongue aboot them faith, Maister Crathie, I wad as sune think o' sellin' a rotten boat to Blue Peter.

And I prayed against mysel' afore I cam' oot. I canna win at the boddom o' 't." "There's waur things nor an ill temper, Thamas. No that it's bonnie ava'. And it's nane like Him 'at was meek and lowly o' hert. But, as I say, there's waur fauts nor an ill temper.

And they hed him afore a coort-mairtial as they ca' 't, and broucht it in, she says, bare cooardice, and jist broke him. He'll hae ill shawin the face o' 'm again i' 's ain calf-country! 'It's a lee, said Kirsty. 'I s' tak my aith o' that, whaever took the tellin o' 't. There never was mark o' cooard upo' Francie Gordon. He hed his fauts, but no ane o' them luikit that gait.

She'd swear at Dicky a' the time she was stappin' her piece into him. It was jist her wye, an' I think she couldna help it." "Oh, ay, Mag's bark is waur then her bite. I ken that," was the reply. "An' wi' a' her fauts a body canna help likin' her." "Speakin' of Mysie," said Robert with caution, "I hinna seen her owre for a while surely.

"Deed ay, Nelly, I daresay ye're richt. I dinna aye see sae far afore me as ye do; but I'm sure, wi' a' my fauts, ye canna say but I like ye as weel yet as ever I did." "Deed do ye," was frequently Nelly's rejoinder; "and proud am I to think that my ain Jock aye likes his ain wife better than ither folk."