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And then, deep about the roots of his ears would seem to prod the magic, caressing fingers of Steward the beloved. "I just don't I have no luck," Wilton Davis mourned, gazing about at his dogs, the air still vibrating with the string of oaths he had at first ripped out. "That comes of trusting a drunken stage-hand," his wife remarked placidly.

The air was heavy with the smell of burning paint. "Where's Sir Portwood Chester?" enquired her companion of the stage-hand, who hurried beside them. "'Opped it!" replied the other briefly, and coughed raspingly as he swallowed smoke. "Strange," said the man in Jill's ear, as he pulled her along. "This way. Stick to me. Strange how the drama anticipates life!

Jill looked at him, puzzled. "'Op it!" shouted the stage-hand. He cast his axe down with a clatter. "Can't you see the place is afire?" "But but I'm waiting for . . ." Jill pointed to where her ally was still addressing an audience that seemed reluctant to stop and listen to him. The stage-hand squinted out round the edge of the curtain.

"Don't talk to me about the English!" he puffed. "Gott strafe England!" He stopped. The porter was paid by the same hand as himself. The hall was empty save for themselves, and there was no need to waste good acting on a mere stage-hand in the piece. "The English," he said, "are going to have a surprise." "Eh?" The slovenly man in the chair gaped up at him stupidly.

"Nothing to what I'm going to raise," Davis retorted, shortening his grip on the iron bar and raising it. "I'm going to kill 'm. I'm going to beat the life out of him. You just watch." Michael snarled acknowledgment of the threat, crouched to spring, and kept his eyes on the iron weapon. "I just guess you ain't goin' to do anything of the sort," the stage-hand assured Davis.

The 'Soehne des Thales' was then attracting much attention, and perhaps that dramatic writer may have been interested in this newly-developed talent, or he may have thought he saw that this young débutant was capable of being trained to the performance of the systematic round of theatre tricks, and would acquire a skilled 'stage-hand. However this may be, think of Iffland with the manuscript of the 'Kreuz an der Ostsee' in his hands.

As for her, she had never seen me with Gilberte, she did not know my name, but I was for her like one of the keepers in the Bois, like the boatman, or the ducks on the lake, to which she threw scraps of bread one of the minor personages, familiar, nameless, as devoid of individual character as a stage-hand in a theatre, of her daily walks abroad.

She had opened the door as she spoke, and the little scrubber's eyes were dazzled by the elegance of the appointments a silver vase filled with violets, a silver card-case, and but Amarilly resolutely shut her eyes upon this proffered grandeur and turned to the lean but longing little daughter of the stage-hand. "You see, I come with her," she explained simply and loyally.

The girl with the lisp, who had been listening in a perfunctory manner to the long speech, screamed loudly. The voice of an unseen stage-hand called thunderously to an invisible "Bill" to cummere quick. And from the scenery on the prompt side there curled lazily across the stage a black wisp of smoke. "Fire! Fire! Fire!" "Just," said a voice at Jill's elbow, "what the play needed!"

"They were most beautiful. Where did you get them?" "From Denver; they were forwarded by express, and I am only too glad if they brought you pleasure." "Miracle of miracles! A stage-hand ordering roses from Denver! It must have cost you a week's salary." He smiled: "And, alas, the salary has not even been paid."