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A few of them had the stamina to overcome this disorganization. I found the same to be true in morals. When a man made his first break, it was easier to make the second, and it was as easy for him to lose a good habit as to acquire a bad one. The same thing holds good in what we call charity. A terrific soul-struggle goes on in every man and woman before the hand is put out for the first time.

Shakspere, in later years, may have thought that the soul-struggle of his hero had been ended; and so he may have regarded the passage as a superfluous one, in which Hamlet's better self once more asks him to seize the reins of destiny with his own hands.

"How long have you known, Drew about him and me?" "Only a few nights ago. He was my friend for a comparatively few years but he was a dear friend!" Drew spoke as if defence were necessary. "I wonder how much you do know, Drew?" Gaston's face quivered. He began to understand Joyce's soul-struggle. "Everything, Dale," the name clung uncertainly upon the speaker's lips; "everything vital.

The very books and papers impressed him as intimate companions, as if, in thus witnessing and in truth taking part in the soul-struggle of the man, they had entered into a closer relation to him, a relation sacred and holy. He was conscious, too, of an atmosphere of privacy there that he had never sensed before, and, for the first time in his life, he drew the window shades.

The soul-struggle of Hamlet arises from his divided mind; an inner voice of Nature calling, on the one hand: Let not the royal bed of Denmark be A couch for luxury and damned incest; whilst another voice calls out that, howsoever he pursues his act, he should not 'taint his mind.

He dared not burn the book. He stood before its searching words a convicted sinner. The suspicion of veiled surveillance that haunted Heraklas made him cautious of reading his, papyrus at home. He sought places, to read it abroad. Hidden among the crags beside the sea, or in the vines on the banks of Lake Mareotis, Heraklas read, and waged the soul-struggle that had risen within him.

But this procedure was not necessary. Red Chicken got well rapidly, and in a few days was walking about as usual, though with a thoughtful look in his eye that promised a soul-struggle with Père Olivier, whose new gods had not protected the fisherman against the gods of the sea. A journey over the roof of the world to Oomoa; an encounter with a wild woman of the hills.

For a little time her presence kept the pretty hound restless, but it was not long before Agnes had so draped the passion-flower that it entirely concealed her person, and then Fair-Star betook himself entirely to his mistress. A soul-struggle does not always break forth in words, or exhaust itself in cries.

The repentant sinner says: 'You should not have believed me: for virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it. Can a poet who will not convert the stage into a theological Hall of Controversy, make the soul-struggle of his hero more comprehensible?

Lilla was silent in the helpless concentration of deadly fear; Mimi was all resolve and self-forgetfulness, so intent on the soul-struggle in which she was engaged that there was no possibility of any other thought. As for myself, the bonds of will which held me inactive seemed like bands of steel which numbed all my faculties, except sight and hearing. We seemed fixed in an impasse.