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Another of his minor works highly characteristic of the author is the Somniorum Synesiorum, a collection of all the remarkable dreams he ever dreamt, many of which have been already noticed. To judge from what specimens of his epistles are extant, Cardan seems to have been a good letter-writer. One of the most noteworthy is that which he addressed to Gian Battista after his marriage.

The interior slopes are prominently terraced, and there are several spurs associated with the glacis on the S. and N.E. A distinct cleft runs from the N. side of the formation to the S.E. border of the Lacus Somniorum, which is crossed by another winding cleft running from a crater E. of Plana towards the N.E.

The Taurus Mountains extend from the west side of the Mare Serenitatis, near Le Monnier and Littrow, in a north-westerly direction towards Geminus and Berselius, bordering the west side of the Lacus Somniorum. They are a far less remarkable system than any of the preceding, and consist rather of a wild irregular mountain region than a range.

The Caucasus Mountains are not so lofty nor so precipitous as the Alps, and consequently have less attraction for the observer. They border the dark, oval plain of the Mare Serenitatis on its northeastern side. The great bay running out from the Mare toward the northwest, between the Caucasus and the huge mountain ring of Posidonius, bears the fanciful name of Lacus Somniorum.

It is connected with a smaller ring-plain on the N.W. wall of the latter by a low ridge. BOND, G.P. A small bright ring-plain 12 miles in diameter, W. of Posidonius. Neison shows a crater both on the N. and S. rim. Schmidt omits these. MAURY. A bright deep little ring-plain, about 12 miles in diameter, on the W. border of the Lacus Somniorum. It is the centre of four prominent hill ranges.

First comes Mare Serenitatis, the Sea of Serenity, so expressive of the calm, tranquil soul of an innocent maiden. Near it is Lacus Somniorum, the Lake of Dreams, in which she loves to gaze at her gilded and rosy future.

GROVE. A bright deep ring-plain, 15 miles in diameter, in the Lacus Somniorum, with a border rising 7000 feet above a greatly depressed floor, which includes a prominent mountain. MASON. The more westerly of two remarkable ring-plains, situated in the highlands on the S. side of the Lacus Mortis.