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"Won't he let you touch it, Mester Dick?" chuckled Hickathrift. "No; and he may go without," said Dick. "Come along!" They returned to the boat, Snig giving them a friendly bark or two as they got on board; and directly after, with lusty thrusts, the wheelwright sent the punt along in the direction of Dave's home.

It parted with a "snig", and the red object left me like a flash of light. There was a plunge upon the black water below a plunge and a few white bubbles; but the body of the Jarocho, with its scarlet trappings, was seen no more after that plunge. During all this time shots were ringing over me. I could hear the shouts and cheering of men, the trampling of heavy hoofs, and the clashing of sabres.

"I'm going to pull you off a leg of that chicken for yourself. Do you understand?" Snig gave a short, friendly bark. "Ah, now you're a sensible dog," said Dick, stooping down to pick up the cloth in which the chicken was wrapped; but Snig made such a furious onslaught upon him that the boy started back, half in alarm, half in anger, and turned away.

"Faith, and I wint an' bought a practis' at onst, havin' a snig little sum stowed away in the bank," continued Garry, "the savin's of me pay for the last five year an' more, besides that money we all got for salvagin' the French ship, sure, of which I nivver spint a ha'poth. But aven thin, Dick, ould chap, yer dear ould mother wern't satisfied, bless her ould heart.

A sharp quick yelp came from the boat, followed by a bark, and, plainly seen in the fire-light, a couple of dogs placed their paws on the edge of the little vessel, raised their heads to the full stretch of their necks, and with cocked-up ears seemed to ask, "What's to be done with us?" "Hi! Chip, Chip! Snig, Snig!

Wait a minute!" Dick ran back to the dog and stooped down to open a cloth, when the faithful guard began to snarl at him and show his teeth. "Why, you ungrateful beggar!" cried Dick; "I was going to give you a bit of the chicken. Lie down, sir!" But Snig would not lie down. He only barked the more furiously. "Do you want me to kick you?" cried Dick.

Snig evidently did, for not only did he bark, but he began to make charges at the visitor's legs so fiercely that Dick deemed it prudent to stand still for a few moments. "Now, then," he said, as the dog seemed to grow more calm; "just see if you can't understand plain English!" The dog looked up at him and uttered a low whine, accompanying it by a wag of the tail. "That's better!" cried Dick.

A snig of the red blade severed the thong; and the Indian's body sliding down from the withers of the horse, fell with a dull dead sound upon the turf. "Here Americano!" cried the trapper, holding out the ensanguined knife to Wingrove; "take this weapon for want of a better. Let us on! See! the picaros are making off. Vamos! nos vamonos!"

The moment they came in sight there was a loud burst of barking, and Snig, John Warren's little rabbit-dog, came tearing down to the shore, with the effect of rendering visible scores of rabbits, until then unseen; for the dog's barking sent them scurrying off to their holes, each displaying its clear, white, downy tuft of a tail, which showed clearly in the evening light.

Then came the eel, and the Lamb was tickled till he wriggled exactly like a real one: 'I love my little baby eel, He is so squidglety to feel; He'll be an eel when he is big But now he's just a tiny SNIG! Perhaps you didn't know that a snig was a baby eel? It is, though, and the Lamb knew it.