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Wa-ka-ra has bound it up. It still bleeds a little, but it is nothing." It was the role of the surgeon, then, the chief had been playing when seen in that ambiguous attitude! More light for Wingrove! "What a fiend!" I said, my reflection directed towards Su-wa-nee. "She deserved death!"

Neither my companion nor myself ever thought of a wheelbarrow. Who would, in such a place? "In the name o' Old Nick, who kin they be?" asked Wingrove, as we halted on the ridge, where the fugitives had been last seen. "I'm not without my suspicions," I replied, just then thinking of a peculiarity that had but slightly occupied my attention the cut and colour of their dresses.

"Why do you ask that question?" at length she inquired, in a voice of assumed calmness. "Know you anything of my history? You appear to know all. Has any one spoken of me?" "Yes often one who thinks only of you." "And who, may I ask, takes this single interest in a poor outcast maiden?" "Ask your own heart, Marian! or do you wish me to name him?" "Name him!" "Frank Wingrove." She did not start.

The spots of allegria had disappeared from the cheeks of Marian, that now gleamed in all their crimson picturesqueness. It was for Wingrove to admire these. My own eyes were riveted upon the roseate blonde; and, gazing upon her face, I could not help echoing the sentiment of the enthusiastic speaker: "Beautiful as the mother of mankind!"

Wingrove had learnt from the wretched Chicasaw that there were a hundred men with the Mormon train. It was idle, therefore, to think of carrying her off by force. That would have been sheer quixotism only to end fatally for all of us. And was it not equally idle to dream of an abduction by stealth? Verily, it seemed so. How were we to approach this Mormon host?

I continued the narrative; but I saw I was no longer listened to with attention. Wingrove was on his feet, and pacing the floor with nervous irregular strides. Every now and then, I saw him glance towards his rifle that rested above the fireplace; while the angry flash of his eyes betokened that he was meditating some serious design.

Some of them who had lost kindred in the strife, already stirred by grief and fury, were proceeding to insult the lifeless and mutilated remains to mutilate them still more! I turned away from the loathsome scene. Neither the dead nor the living, that composed this ghastly tableau, had further interest for me. My glance, wandering in search of other forms, first fell upon that of Wingrove.

Truly had she merited the praises which the young backwoodsman had oft lavished upon her. To all that he had said the most critical connoisseur would have given his accord. No wonder that Wingrove had been able to resist the fascinations of the simpering syrens of Swampville no wonder that Su-wa-nee had solicited in vain!

To follow it, therefore, in the broad light of day, would expose our little party to view. If hostile Indians should be hanging after the caravan, they would be sure to see us, and equally certain to make an attack upon us; and from the traces we had noticed at the night-camp to say nothing of what Wingrove had seen we knew there were Indians in the valley.

There was no law in that land at all events, no power to hinder him from acting as he should please; and it was easy to foresee what would be his apostolic pleasure. The very presence of Wingrove would stimulate him to a revengeful course; and should her Indian disguise be detected, Marian might look forward to a fate already deemed by her worse than death.